Action Research

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Action Research

Action Research


Among the features of the external environment, we have: policies and institutions, technological, and market position in the chain. Among the features of the internal environment, we have: organizational structure, work organization, tasks and activities, flows and processes, and human resource management. The interface between these two environments, we have the strategy and / or business model.


Research conducted in cooperation with non-academic actors who stand outside the corporate sphere - such as non-governmental organizations, local communities, interest groups, consumers, trade unions, housing associations or informal groups of patients - is usually focused on the development of non-economic areas of life, often seek to a specific sub- change at the local level. These types of research are still significant lack of public support, but still have a number of such studies with success. One of the favorite ways to implement such research is through the so-called participatory action research (research grounded in the community).

Participatory action research and research grounded in the community (community based (participatory) research, (participatory) action research, further referred to as participatory research) is research conducted by the community, the community or the community (Coghlan & Brannick, 2010). Participatory research is basically an interactive cyclical process, which in addition to its own research includes the immediate implementation of its results in practice, reflect on this process and the use of the reflection back in the scientific process. Members of the community in mind the participatory research usually involved in all research phases. There are many different definitions of a participatory, action or embedded in a community of research that differ from each other mainly in the fact as to what aspects of the research process are the most emphasis. The main features of participatory research can be considered as follows:

Focus on change - the aim ...
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