Action Plan

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Local Initiative Action Plan

Local Initiative Action Plan


Improving Public Health Surveillance by NHS System among native community people.


NHS (National Health Service) is a primary care taker of native patients. It undertakes some incredible interventions to treat patients with a broad range of diseases and conditions. The technology is changing rapidly, extending the range of treatments available, saving and improving lives from the time of birth to old age (Department of Health 2006). The funding decisions are based on factors that whether to fund treatments for people is based in critical analysis of the situation of patients and the requirement of treatment.

Target Group

The target group of this initiative is based on the community members of UK.

Rationale and Evidence

The significance of the study is that it will provide a detailed analysis of the current health care system, and possible solutions to increase the quality of the health system that will help health care practitioners and other authorities to understand that what are the major drawbacks of the system and what measures can be taken to improve the health system of the country. The study will provide a case study approach in order to understand the practical situation of the medical treatment in a better way in local community of natives.


The aim of the study is to understand the current health system of UK and that how it can be further improved in order to ensure better quality for the purpose of ensuring better health in the country.


The objective of the study was to evaluate the necessary elements of NHS that can improve the health system in the country and to provide a study of work-related issue that was faced and needed to be solved.

Action Plan

Surveillance is defined as “the act of observing a person or group closely, especially when the person or group is under suspicion.” Also, it can also be defined as “the act of observing or condition of being observed.”

The role of surveillance is the routine use of health data for the purpose of guiding public health action in a timely fashion. It records all the information related to a patient such as the number of visits to a doctor, vaccination, provision of prescription drugs as they occur. Some of the systems gather the information on risk factors that are related to various diseases such as food, water, drug use, and travel; however, other systems measure the behavior of health of a person such as smoking, alcohol, and nutrition and various environmental factors are also collected such as air, and water quality.

Quality Improvement

NHS was formed due to the rapid innovations in health technologies and pharmaceutical developments, which includes antibiotics, improved anesthetics, and drugs for mental illness, and radiology technology that still continue to advance in native community. Significant medical advances were occurring in the fight against tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, as well. Although this boded well for improved healthcare, it also escalated the operating costs of the NHS from its ...
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