Achieving And Maintaining Individual Excellence Paper

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Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence Paper

Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence Paper


This paper aims to provide information regarding the achievement of individual excellence along with maintaining it. The paper will be using the analysis of Force Field for highlighting human service functions of interrelated and interdependent elements. It will also include my opinion about the peter Senge's five disciplines while conducting a self assessment regarding my skills for growth.

Managing the environmentThe management of environment becomes extremely important for both individuals and organizations around the globe. I believe that managing the environment in most effective and efficient manner can provide many benefits for individuals and organizations along with dealing effectively with the outside world. Every business irrespective of size and nature has internal as well external environment. The internal environment mainly focuses on operation, finance, supply chain management, Human Resource Management (HRM) and like other methods. These all designs are directly affecting the efficiency and then ultimately the profitability (Papadakis, 1998). On the contrary, there is the external condition which most of the times is not in the control of management but is impacting the decisions of the business. The external environment includes the legal, political, cultural, technological, economic and environmental issues which are fundamental for the success or failure of business. Managers continuously examine the external environment of business in order to formulate strategic policies (Papadakis, 1998).

I have strong desire of managing environment. Firstly, I believe that environment is changing rapidly which requires individuals to cope up in order to avoid the negative consequences of environmental change. For example: there are large numbers of professionals that have vast experience in their field, but they feel difficulty in adapting advanced technology. This is one of the major reasons why organization needs to get rid of its employees that are experienced but unable to cope up with the change. Secondly, the consequences of not managing environment effectively can cause many potential disadvantages to an organization (Armstrong, 2006).

Planning and program design

Planning is known as the result oriented planning. It can be explained as future oriented process evaluation, long term planning, setting organizational goals, and building strategies that provide a road map from present to a future vision, that relies on complex considerations of capabilities and environment organization, and leads to the priority based decisions and resource allocation.

I believe that I always plan and design program before jumping up into implementation of any kind of work. I believe that planning is one of the most important part of our daily lives. It is ultimately directly related with the success or failure of a program. I have a strong desire of further polishing my planning and program design skills in order to achieve my goals and objectives of life. Planning can be useful in guiding a desirable direction to individuals willing to achieve goals and objectives of their lives.

Organizational design

An organizational design usually takes on a hierarchical structure. It is important for the organization to establish appropriate organizational structure that meets the need ...
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