Acas Code Of Discipline And Grievance

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ACAS Code of Discipline and Grievance

ACAS Code of Discipline and Grievance


For the purpose of consultation a draft was published by ACAS for practices related to discipline and grievance, the duration of consultation ended on July 25, 2008. In the review by Gibbon last year, it was proposed that improving and simplifying the aspects of resolving disputes associated with the employment on similar aspects the recommendation was proposed in the form of codes. Among the codes was cancellation of the procedure of statutory dispute resolution present with the bill of employment which took effect in the month of April 2009. The new code came into action in the same time period. In case of failure to comply with the code would a surplus (In case the manager is at fault) or decline (In case the employee is at fault) in compensation awarded by the tribunal employment not exceeding more than 25 percent, hence making it necessary for the manager to comply with the code (Slau, 2008, n.d.).

Disciplinary Action

The informed procedures in the codes are very much similar to the procedures of the statutory dispute resolution. For example, with relation to the procedures of disciplinary, in case of any disciplinary action taken against any employee; it needs to be notified in writing with complete information to inform them regarding the existing problem and the possible consequences because of the problem. Before commencement of any disciplinary meeting against the employee, a manager should inform the employee of the nature of the problem and the evidence of the levied allegations against the employee.

These meetings should be held on prompt basis and the employee should be given sufficient time to prepare for the case. In the meeting the manager should allow the employee to present his case and also to defend himself by answering the allegation levied on the employee. The opportunity to make an appeal should also be provided to keep the trial of allegation fair; it should be hear promptly at an agreed time and place. The case should be dealt by the higher authority rather than by line manager in order to avoid biasness and upon appeal it should involve even higher management in comparison of first meeting.

Grievance Action

With reference to the procedure of grievance, the sets of code consists of the following primary steps it includes: the employee should inform the manager regarding the reason of grievance in a written request, a meeting should be held by the manager in order to listen out the background of the grievance and the proposed steps that the employee thinks should be taken. The manager is required to take necessary steps in order to address the concerns of the employee. If the issue remains unresolved then the employee has the right to file an appeal.

ACAS Code of Practice on Discipline and Grievance

The code was put into action on the 6th of April 2009

ACAS code replaces the statutory dismissal, procedure of disciplinary and grievance for employees ...
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