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Improving Spelling

Improving Spelling


Once you see that your child is already good at reading and writing, this could be the perfect time to prepare with his spelling skills. The way your child could learn to spell words correctly can be taught using specific pre-apprenticeship. It is important to engage your child and make him drive a competitive and secure the spelling words correctly. At the same time, teaching your child correct spelling should also be followed by teaching him the correct spelling. If your child has difficulty in forming simple words, make an extra effort to teach him to spell (Corrigan, 1992).

Spelling in the Elementary School

Spelling is one of the most important basic skills that should be taught in elementary school next to the reading and mental arithmetic. Spelling is checked in the every subject as part of speech and text flows so directly in the testimony of one grade. Also, essays are written down at a significantly increased number of errors. If there is really no dyslexia, all children with a sufficient and proper training can achieve satisfactory skills in spelling.

The spelling therefore represents an important basic skill that will be graded and may decide on the transition to secondary school. Unfortunately, in my experience the spelling in elementary school is not always sufficient; especially the weaker students often do not get the opportunity to practice that they need. Sometimes it also happens that is practiced the exercises are not as effective. So here are often asked the parents who exercise frequently with their children at home regularly (Nelson, 1986).

Stages of written language acquisition

It differs from written language acquisition in roughly two stages: the alphabetic spelling stage, and the orthographic spelling level. This spell levels are assigned to appropriate spelling strategies that children should learn according to their level. Here the assignment and some explanations:

Alphabetic Spelling Stage

The alphabetic spelling strategy is learned in the first two classes. The children learn the letters (sounds) from the words to hear and write down all audible sounds. The most frequent omission errors occur. Improvements to the sound of a training-grapheme mapping, practicing the Transcription harder sounds, a training of phonological awareness and learning of synchronous speech writing can be achieved. The latter is at an assumed security letters the most important component (Liberman, 1988).

The children of the first and second class have difficulty at this level makes errors on the orthographic level. These errors interfere in the first and second class, however, not yet, not because it is expected of the children that they have mastered the orthographic spelling strategy. These mistakes are relevant but fairly quickly from the third grade. Once the children master the alphabetic spelling stage they have to learn the orthographic spelling strategy.

Orthographic Spelling Level

In this stage child has a very good strategy of alphabetic spelling. The orthographic spelling strategy is, however, considerably improved: it lacks i.e., the strain, and the rules of double consonants in the word barrel to be followed (Corrigan, 1994).

Improvements can be achieved through the learning of spelling rules in conjunction with the memorization of important and frequently occurring ...
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