Academic Integrity

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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity


Academic integrity is said to be an ethical policy or moral code of the academics. Academic integrity is said to be an avoidance of cheating or avoidance of plagiarism and at the same time ensuring that there is maintenance of strict academic standards and that there is a certain sense of rigor and honesty in the conduction of research.

It has been argued that one major difficulty that the authority comes across upon enlightening the students about academic dishonesty is the lack of clarity and lack of ambiguity when it comes to defining the concept since it is a concept that is said to based on ethical and moral principles.

Amidst the 18th century, the concept of academic integrity is said to have a tight correlation to the honor code of the south also known as the Southern honor code. It was said to be monitored by the students themselves as well as the culture that was surrounding at that point of time. The honor code was said to be focused on self esteem, duty, power as well as pride. The main goal was to promote the mentioned and encourage way so that people understand the degree of seriousness when it comes harming the integrity. Conduction of academic integrity could directly impact the not only the status of the student but the character of the individual as well (Maher, 2008).

It was in the end of nineteenth century when the goals and objectives of the university had changed drastically and so did the concepts of academic integrity or academic dishonesty. Teachers as well as the professors at that point of time were also required to produce original concepts and material. The very pressure to attain the tenure and to publish anything extra was a source of stress at job. It was via ruining the academic integrity that acts of follies were also apparent. The concept of academic integrity was still evolving into a concept that was more contemporary. It evolved to the extent that it grew from being individual honor to the honor of the university. It was this aspect which was necessary since it was a source of promotion for the unity as well and at the same time also encourages the students to highlight the students that were into academic dishonesty. It also ensured that the students have a feeling of empowerment when it comes to self monitoring each other.

The existing area of studies when it comes to academic dishonesty amidst the colleges is said to focus only on four key areas. The four areas are

1.The analysis and the depth of the field of phenomenon

2.Analysis of the causes

3.Focusing on the profile of the violators of the academic standards

4.Reduction of the academic dishonesty and being alert when it comes to fraud detection.

This paper is said to focus on the analysis and study the different factors and aspects in relation to the concept of Academic Integrity (Maher, 2008).


Academic Integrity is said to be concerned with the code of ...
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