Academic Analysis

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Academic Analysis

Academic Analysis

Recruitment is one of the most important tasks of HR department of an organization. The future performance of the company is dependent upon the quality of the recruitment process and the quality of employees working in the organization. NOPD has failed to prioritize the recruitment process and improve the quality of the recruitment process. It has resulted in department wise problems. In result, the human resource hired does not produce quality results. Good police officer require formidable problem solving and decision making skills to go with strong communication, however, due to lack of quality recruitment process, the company fails to hire quality Human Resource (Dale, 2004).

The NOPD's recruitment program lacks a clear goal and vision in order to succeed and successfully hire the right candidates. The recruitment department consists of only six employees with no plan on how to recruit qualified employees. The recruitment staff was unclear about the responsibilities and the authority they possessed regarding any decision.

The recruitment department is decentralized and the recruitment process is conducted through various departments, and functions including primarily NOPD's Recruitment unit and Civil Service Commission. Hence, the recruitment process is not focused, and there is no proper path for any process. NOPD officials said that Civil Service Commission helps the company to recruit employees. On the other hand, Civil Service claimed that recruitment was NOPD's job. They claimed that their primary responsibility was to administer Civil Service Exam and provide administrative oversight to the hiring process.

Although, NOPD is aware of the issues ofthe department, but it however has failed to bring a significant change in the recruitment process to get the desired results. The lack of NOPD's ability to attract quality employees for the organization is linked to the fact that the organization has no appropriate plan for ...
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