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In this study the analysis tries to explore the concept of drug legalization in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on drug legalization and diverse policies of Russia to counter the concern. The research also analyzes the impact of drug legalization on the citizens of Russia. In addition, the study explores the influence of drug legalization on Russian government as well. Finally the research describes various arguments regarding drug legalization in Russia in order to suggest the optimal solution for the issue.

Table of Contents


Drug Legalization Effects on Citizen of Russia4

Drug Legalization Effects of Government5

Arguments Aimed at Drug Legalization7


Works Cited10

Drug Legality and Detrimental Effects on Citizens and Government in Russia


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the legalization of drugs in Russia. The paper will discuss the legalization of the drugs in Russia; in addition, the study will focus on the impact of drug legalization of the citizen. Moreover, the paper also analyzes the influence of drug legalization on the government of Russia. According to diverse sources, the war against drugs in Russia began in the news recently by the personal effort of Russian President to eliminate the power of the drug after his selection in 2006. There are other realities as well. The border line is the result of a war that occurred, from 1846 to 1848 which completely changed the geography of both countries. At the end of 1970 and 1980, cocaine use in the Russia was booming.

In Russia, drug lords learned to increase and maximize the relative vantage of having a border with the largest user of drugs in the world. Increased and modified profitability means heavier deals and a lot more money, and as political incertitude and the market developed, the development of weapons cartels progressively militarized social control. According to diverse sources, the more people experiment with drugs, the more people are likely to become addicted. Teenagers often begin using drugs for many reasons. Sometimes it is a recreational or social habit that teenagers do only when they are around other teenagers. Many times drug use is a symptom of a larger problem. People who are suffering from problems like anxiety, stress, depression or other mental health issues will often turn to drugs as a way of self-medicating. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the legalization of drugs will not only influence the government but the citizens also.

Drug Legalization Effects on Citizen of Russia

In Russia, people abuse different substances, such as drugs, alcohol and tobacco, for different complex reasons. The constant abuse of such harmful substances badly damages psychological and physical condition and, in case of an overdose, may also lead to death. The legalization of drugs in Russia not only harms drug abuser but also contributes to a number of sociological problems There are valid theories that support legalizing drugs: it might eliminate criminal activities around the illicit drug trade, it would reduce crime, it would transform drug addiction from a criminal issue to a public health issue, clean ...
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