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In this paper, we try to explore the concept of contemporary worship in the church. The church is the body whose head is Jesus Christ and his vitality is determined by the clarity and quality of that relationship. The harmonious relationship that must prevail in all living organisms needs to be examined periodically to assess their health status. This is very important to consider the vital signs that make a proper diagnosis of the health of the body represented in the body. With regard to the church, there are several vital signs that we would do well to listen to, periodically review your health status: the fellowship, evangelism, discipleship, preaching, service, worship, among others. On this occasion, for reasons of space, we intend to explore one of these vital signs, worship in his speech called worship.

Contemporary Worship in the Church

Thesis Statement

The praise that nourishes our worship as the voice of that great multitude is like the roar of rushing waters and peals of thunder.


Contemporary art is, for most people who attend places of worship, so regularly or occasionally, to pray or interest in heritage, a shock that they are not prepared. Most are struggling to understand its legitimacy in a place that they feel already loaded and unchanging. However, contemporary art, living art, has something to say to all, and can be opened during a challenging this "all-other" is so close that contemporary artistic expression. It can bring in the place of worship emotions and questions current passing through the assembled people, and question the world in which they live and to which it is sent. It is also necessary that a real dialogue between place and the works exhibited, between artists and the community.


Contemporary works placed in historical places act like mirrors: they refer to places, open to all believers and non believers in search of culture or spiritual. The number of people attracted to our churches and chapels that their interests are cultic or have cultural importance. It is worthwhile to allow all to enter into the understanding of these buildings, to reflect on how to make them live today to encourage, welcome and support projects, and do it carefully and competence. The task is great because there are no rules: just like any living person, a place of worship and Christian community are unique! Each initiative is a path of dialogue, brotherhood and humanity for a Christian, called to promote his own faith and sent into the world and propose to invite (Bobb, 178).


A place of worship, in fact, even outside the celebration, is a lively place where people speak the prayer of the assembled and invisible reality. He is a Christian when he gives first place in Christ. Everything is organized meanings involving art and beauty. Therefore, what legitimacy for an exhibition in a place without it enough? Why we cannot find a place to come jam the sense that space is already carrying? The question arises for any place of worship, even those in which, like ...
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