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In Malaysian airlines E-marketing plan, we have highlighted its key areas by examining its strength and weaknesses. According to Mr. Datuk Mohamed Nor Yusof "MAS is the national flag carrier". Hence we have tried to identify the opportunities that are their in MAS's way to success. In this process we had to look at the threats faced by them and give appropriate suggestions. We have also discussed about the airlines short term and long term objectives and various improvement plans. In this report we have discussed about the competition faced by them. The internal audit covers the organizational factors (7ps) and SWOT analysis. For the external audit analysation of STEP analysis is also done. By doing this we have come across various action plans and tactics to over come its weakness and meet the defined objectives. In recent times their have been massive growth in e-marketing , its contribution has been discussed.

Table of Content


Situation Analysis4

Marketing Mix4






Physical evidence8


Swot Analysis9





Pest Analysis11







Short term objectives13

Long term objectives13

E-Marketing Strategic Planning14


Implementation Plan15

Contribution Of E-Marketing16



Work Cited18

End notes19

Malaysian airlines E-marketing plan


The history of Malaysian Airline System Berhad can be traced back in May 1947, when a charter service was started from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. Malayan airways ltd, was founded by the former British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), Ocean Steamship Co. In 1957, Malaya became an independent county and airline was then restructured into public limited company in 1958, owned by the federation of Malaya and Singapore, Borneo Airways, BOCA and Qantas. In 1963, the airline was renamed Malaysian Airways ltd. After two year Borneo Airways merged with MAL, by increasing both carrier's fleet and network. In 1967, MAL was renamed Malaysia -Singapore Airline (MSA). In the same year they expanded its international network to Manila, Perth, Sydney and Taipei (www.fundinguniverse.com).

MAS was incorporated in April 1971 as Malaysia national carrier after a split in MSA with authorized capital of RM 100 million. It took to the sky on 1st October 1972, with a network comprising of 34 domestic and 6 international destinations. MAS was installed as a member of Orient Airlines Association (OAA) at the 13th Presidential assembly of OAA held in Sydney in 1972. It was renamed in November 1972 as Malaysian Airways System Berhad.

The trend amongst international airlines in 1980's and Malaysian government own inclinations to privatization lead the partial privatization of MAS in1985. The initial public issue was a big success. In 1994, the company called Nalrui bought 29 % stake in MAS. In order to prepare itself for the future, the company has now developed an e-Enterprise Model structure for the company. In 1990, it added new international destination, namely Hochi Min city, Vienna, Nagoya, Darwin, Brisbane and Adelaide. It also joined the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as an active member in the same year. In October 30, 1994, through code sharing arrangement the following cities came online- Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds and Teeside in the UK. The company increased its services to 110 destinations by the end of 2008 ...
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