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The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore Alexander the great in a holistic manner. The core objective of the paper is to discuss Alexander the great, Machiavellian prince and the impact that he had on history due to his actions. The paper also discusses the rise and fall of Alexander's reign; moreover, the paper discusses the accomplishments and victories encountered by Alexander the great during his lifetime. The paper strives to explore each and every aspect of Alexander's life along with his achievements that left an unforgettable mark on the history.

Table of Contents


Thesis Statement3

Historical Context4

Alexander's Glories and Victories5

The Ideology of Alexander7

Rise and Fall of Alexander's Reign9


Works Cites11

Alexander the Great, a Machiavellian Prince


Alexander was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, who united the city-states of Greece for the purpose of making war with the Persians. In 338 BCE Philip II, through a complex and efficient military system, along with a knack for diplomacy, organized the Greek city-states into a union, the Corinthian League. The league's states were to be independent and self-governing with Philip as their commander-in-chief. Philip's concept of conquering through unity would later be perfected by his son and heir, Alexander. Aristotle, the star pupil of Greek philosopher Plato was employed as tutor to Alexander. Hunting was a passion Alexander often pursued, as the Macedonian countryside contained an abundance of deer and foxes, with bears and lions still roaming the highlands.

At 16, while his father was laying siege to Byzantium, Alexander was left as regent in Macedonia. During this time, Alexander thwarted a Thracian rebellion. He overtook a city in Thrace and renamed it Alexandropolis, after himself. In 336 BCE, at the age of 20, Alexander ascended to the Macedonian throne after Philip II was murdered by Pausanias, a king's guard and friend to Alexander. After the death of his father, Alexander quickly won the allegiance of the Macedonian army and its generals. A revolt in the two cities of Athens and Thebes soon erupted, conveniently while Alexander was away once again securing Macedonia's northern frontier in Thrace.

Thesis Statement

Was Alexander a real Machiavellian prince?

Historical Context

Alexander the great was not the real prince of Machiavelli; however, Alexander was the rigid follower of Machiavellian concept. Therefore, he is often termed as the prince of Machiavelli. Alexander was born Rodrigo de Borja y Doms (in Italian, Rodrigo Borgia) in Játiva, Aragon in 1431. His was the relatively poor Spanish branch of Borgias, a family already powerful in Italy. Rodrigo's ambitious uncle, Alonso de Borgia, first bishop of Valencia and subsequently cardinal, directed the young man's education and heaped upon him ecclesiastical benefices. Alonso sent Rodrigo to Bologna to study law, then, after Alonso became Pope Calixtus III, he elevated Rodrigo, age 25, to cardinal, subsequently bestowing upon him the important papal office of ce-chancellor. Rodrigo would serve in this capacity for 36 years, fewer than five popes, before he himself was elected pontiff on August 10-11, 1492.

During his 36 years in the curia, Rodrigo Borgia consolidated his ...
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