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The story is about two lovers who get separated due to some political issues. To ease their loneliness, they write letters to one another that they don't really send in the hopes that they will reunite again. The story is narrated from the perspective of both e the man and the woman who tell each other about what has happened and what is happening. The story is all about human sufferings and how everyone has his own way of experiencing sufferings that are a part of their lives.

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Works Cited8

Children of the Sea


The story, “Children of the Sea” was written by Edwidge Danticat in 1995 in her short story collection, by the name of Krik? Krack! It is a story of a young couple who get separated because of a political friction in Haiti.

It is written in discontinuous viewpoints of a young man and his lover, which helps the reader to experience the situation from the perspective of both the characters. With the help of this technique, the writer has managed to show the danger that lies in any choice that a Haitian makes, whether it involves sticking and standing up to the government in order to get political shelter in the United States or complying with the demands of the territory even if that leads to betraying others with silence. (Korb, 19)



The story starts with a narration of a young Haitian revolutionary thinking about his girlfriend enroute to Miami, Florida on a small boat with some other people on the boat too. The young man is wanted by the Haitian government so he is being sent away. All these details are given to us by his girlfriend who is the second narrator in this story. The man had to leave the country while she had to stay behind with her parents. Both of them tell their sides of the story through letters that they write to one another. Although they can't mail those letters to their lovers and the letters never reach the other person, they still do so to pacify their loneliness while they are away from each other. They believe that by writing letters to one another, they will never feel as if they were living apart when they finally reunite. (Edwidge and Renée. Pp 13)

The young man that we are talking about was a university student and a member of a youth federation that was involved in protesting against the dictator and wanting a new government. This is the reason that the young man had to flee the country because the secret police, by the name of Tonton Macoutes attacked on his group. The other members of the youth federation got killed by the police and even more students who were protesting to demand back the bodies of their murdered friends, were shot down by this secret police group.

The young man in his letter describes his difficult experiences. He tells her about the lack of privacy on the boat, the shortage of food, vomiting and sickness ...
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