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This paper tends to discuss the issues raised by Benjamin Franklin in 'A Witch Trail at Mount Holly'. However, the main focus of this paper will remain on the image of the women in the as per the Puritan practices. Plus, light will also be thrown upon the trial in the context of this paper.

Table of Contents





Female Body3

My Observations4


Works Cited6

'A Witch Trail at Mount Holly'


A Witch Trial at Mount Holly is considered among the most appreciated pieces by Benjamin Franklin. He was the man who understood the true American principles and highlighted the issues which were of major concern to an ordinary American. It would not be wrong to state that Benjamin Franklin was a true statesman as he rendered his services not only as a writer but as scientist, publisher and in various other roles (Anderson 1997, 126-176). He also played his role in crafting the American society as he was among the founding fathers of modern day America. Franklin throughout 'A Witch Trail at Mount Holly' utilized the tool of humor to convey his ideas to the reader.

He utilized the tool of humor with such great efficiency that the reader tends to be compelled to fall in line with the views of the author. He used satires throughout this work of his. However, in the context of this paper we intend to shed light on the flaws of the Puritan practice and the way the author has used the female body through the course of his work. The subject would be further discussed form various perspectives in order to develop a better understanding of the subject.


Every developing society has seen the females only through the perspective of the sexual desire. Thus, the Benjamin Franklin also in this piece of writing tends to narrate the incident which tends to inculcate the female body only through the lens of the sexual desire. This piece of his also highlights the flaws which existed in the Puritan practice. As the story in this piece of his is very closely related to the concepts and the ideas shaped up by the believes of that time. He has a sound understanding of the human nature. Thus, in order to point out the flaws in the Puritan practice he took the support of the humor. In this way he communicated his message with much more effect as opposed to the approach adopted by the authors of the time. Similarly he pointed out the practices of the people who had gathered to see the trail of the two people. The individual who were being tested were blamed for witchcraft.


This section of the paper tends to address the trial which were seen by as many as 300 people. The believes that were shaped up by the Puritan practice were based on the conventional ideas. However, Benjamin Franklin very effectively used these practices to craft the reader in to the text. In my opinion the Puritan practices lacked reasoning and the author explored the fact (Benjamin ...
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