The research identifies the problems that generation Y has been facing during the economic crisis, which provides solutions, so that they can lead out of the financial crisis. The research also discusses the role of the government along with the responsibilities of generation Y workers and employers in sustaining in the job market during the economic crisis.
Table of Contents
The Problem3
Solution to the problem4
Other Steps and Programs for the Problem6
The Use of Technology7
Works Cited9
Generation Y Problems and Solutions
Generation Y is a term used to define the demographic cohort successor to Generation X and includes people born between 1982 and 1992 worldwide. Currently, Generation Y is divided to refer to the last age group known as Generation Z which includes people born between 1993 and the last half of the decade of 2000. The description of Generation Y varies from one person to person. It also depends on the person who is giving his opinion and that the age group you belong to. There are various possibilities which go into account when analyzing the behavior pattern of generations. It is the result of the poor economic models in the developing countries and the issues which take place in crisis of such nations, which have not allowed people from this generation to obtain and develop a stable job with adequate remuneration coupled with problems that every day more young people seeking to join a labor market are not offered the appropriate opportunities for various reasons. As more young people get prepared for the labor market, they face the issue of not getting the right opportunity.
The Problem
These are hard times economically, there is no denying that. The national unemployment rate is at 9.1 percent and fears abound that the economy will soon be entering a double-dip recession. Yet for as high as the unemployment rate is, never mind the fact that it doesn't include people who have given up looking for work, it hides an even more despairing fact. According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report for August 2011, the unemployment rate for young people, 16 to 24-year olds, was 18.1 percent in July 2011. To put that in perspective, that means 4.1 million youths in the United States were looking for jobs and could not find one, not including those who are underemployed or working part-time when they would rather be working full-time. The youth unemployment crisis is one of the most pressing issues facing the United States and the hope for a brighter future economically (Harvey, 123).
During 1980 and 1992, the economy, technology, health care, progress, and even economic conditions around the world were growing rapidly. Each family was flourishing and there was a boom in all businesses. Children born during these times were financially secured and had comfortable lives. Facilities such as cable TV, answering machines, availability of various models of cars, good holidays and private schools were available to them. However, at the same time, they have seen their parents work hard and, therefore, know the value of hard work. They are willing to do anything and accept new challenges, dealing with job changes and adapting to flexibility. However, they have not been ...