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In this study we try to explore the concept of “Aircraft Maintenance” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “outsourcing” and its relation with “the concept of risk and international fraud that may occur”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “maintenance and constant servicing of airlines” and tries to gauge its effect on “company reputation and functioning”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “outsourcing work to different companies around the globe, who are willing to offer quality services to different organizations and clients” and tries to describe the overall effect of “outsourcing” on “the projected performance of airlines and company progress”.

Outsourcing and Aircraft Maintenance

Defining the concept

Outsourcing, in today's constantly developed world, implies the phenomenon where companies tend to give out work, which may either be expensive for the company to perform on its own or simply that another smaller company can offer. Outsourcing is an innovative management technique, which involves the transfer to third parties certain complementary processes that are not part of the main line of business, allowing concentration of efforts on core activities in order to obtain competitiveness and tangible results. This technique is based on a management process that involves structural changes in the company in key areas such as culture, processes, systems, controls and technology whose goal is to obtain better results by concentrating all efforts and energy of the company's main activity (Cozzetto & Pedeliski, pp.1).

We can also define it as outsourcing services that streamline and economize the search process for the efficient production of social objects of the institutions, so that companies focus on what is theirs. This outsourcing fits well with the popular aphorism, "shoemaker to your shoes," has come under the name of outsourcing, which means in practice to find new suppliers and new ways to ensure the delivery of raw materials, goods, components and services (Averty, Guittet & Lezaud, pp.101).

Outsourcing is the act of going to an outside agency to operate a function previously carried out within the company, which ultimately hires a final product or service without having any responsibility in the administration or management of the service, which acts in full autonomy and independence to serve different users. Outsourcing also involves promoting the opening of new opportunities for companies with labour supply, restricting social impact somewhat .

The importance of outsourcing is that it aims to concentrate the company's efforts in the core business of the turn. This approach is intended to provide greater value for customers and products through agility and speed in handling transfer processes, reduced processing times and even, in most cases, reduced staff costs and efforts of employees.

Impact of Outsourcing on Global Businesses

Outsourcing is increasingly becoming essential for CFOs around the world. The advent of globalization and international markets has also increased use of outsourcing as a significant tool for reducing costs and improving efficiency. On the other hand, one needs to remember that along with the benefits of outsourcing for companies which operate in international markets, ...
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