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A World Of Ideas

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A World of Ideas

A World of Ideas


The title of this book would be more correct to translate "How Capitalism Will Save Us" - in the original English is not the issue. The author has no doubt that capitalism still remains the most progressive form of social organization, and that if humanity has a future, it is impossible without freedom of enterprise and trade. The problem is that today's politicians and cultural figures, not to mention the masses, hold different views. Even Obama and Sarkozy, not counting the pieces of smaller caliber, publicly announced the "death" of capitalism. West is drifting toward socialism, increasing government regulation of the economy. Attempts to control do not bring the desired results - and not blame the officials, and entrepreneurs (King, 2011).

“Greedy” businessmen on Wall Street are credited with all the mortal sins. However, the logic of these charges about the same as in the rhyme, "If there is no water in the faucet." When emotions are going wild when you need to, no matter what it is to find a scapegoat, appealing to the darker human emotions of hate and envy, the mind is silent (King, 2011).

Calmly and reasonably, operating numerous facts and examples, Steve Forbes defends capitalism against unfair attacks. By giving the word the critics, it shows the points of failure of their claims. According to Forbes, capitalism is not only effective, but also a moral system. Karl Marx claimed that capitalism would lead to the impoverishment of the masses - but the reality was the opposite. "Democratic capitalism is the most successful and sustainable economic system in the world. Still, no system was able to improve the lives of so many people. "Capitalism has raised the living standards of millions - so much so that today's poor ...
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