A Review Of The Marketing Strategy Of An Organization And Its Effectiveness

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A Review of the Marketing Strategy of an Organization and Its Effectiveness

Task 1- Statement of Intent

Section 1- Final Major Project

In this study, the significant objective is regarding studying the organization's market strategy and its effectiveness and the organization that has been taken into focus is United Kingdom's largest retailer, Tesco. There are number of things that are capable of striking the newcomer. This is an exclusive business holding unusual depth and range of core competencies; this organization also holds exceptional operational effectiveness; which is able to determine briefly for the purpose of orientating the business round the customers; this is also successful and passionate regarding developing the talent from within the workers as it manages the tough operating environment that requires the great team work. By looking briefly into this area, the marketing strategies that have been proved to be effective for Tesco and resulting in being successful for the organization. Also reflecting that the marketing strategies are very important for any organization to run successfully

Section 2- Influences, Research, Sources and Ideas

The idea for this research has been taken through the way the organizations market their products and services for acquiring a position within the market and running it effectively. All the resources for this particular study have been taken from journal, articles and including the annual reports of Tesco that they keep updating as they move along keeping a record of the strategies and the efforts that have been useful making them some of the valuable sources for this study. Tesco has been selected as the subject of study because it has financial and human, capital and expertise could be leverages within various geographies, within the diverse areas of retailing and with the help of different and newer channels, mainly through the internet. The main idea was also to explore the largest retailer that is successfully running within the United Kingdom since it's following an adequate strategic plan for marketing that is also capable of benefiting the United Kingdom entirely.

Section 3- Techniques, Processes and Timescale

The techniques that have been used for compiling this entire study are mainly the secondary sources so that information regarding the marketing strategy can be gathered including the qualitative data. Whereas also interviews had been conducted especially from the employees working in the organization so that better information can be gathered regarding the ways they developed the strategy including maintaining the employees and improving their services for customer satisfaction. However this entire process took a lot of time and effort, although secondary resources did not require that much of a time but where the qualitative interviews were needed this process required some time so accurate information could have been gathered from the workers at Tesco. Nevertheless there are limitations that come along the way while conducting the interviews and gathering people for taking the time out and answering these questions.

Section 4- Methods of Evaluation

The evaluation was performed on the basis of effectiveness of their marketing strategy including the response acquired through the questionnaire ...
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