A Person I Would Like To Be For A Brief Time

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A person I would like to be for a brief time

“Low aim is the crime so; we should have high aims in our daily lives”

Above are the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson. These words have always been my inspiration and have always provided me an impetus to take courageous steps in my life. One of the courageous steps that I took in my life is to choose to become someone who does not lead an ordinary life like all of us. Before going through this extraordinary experience, I was a human being sometimes haunted by the weight of everyday anxieties, but always try to trust life. As the leaves fall in autumn, and they remain green in the spring I always used to wait for the spring to see the colorful aspect of life. But life is not so colorful to all the human beings that exist and burgeon in this world. In order to fulfill the purpose of this essay, the personality that I choose to become is someone to whom life is not as colorful as for all of us.

The person that I would like to be is a beautiful girl. I see her every day at my workplace. I work in a rehabilitation center, and she is a patient over there. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Despite this beauty, she still is unable to enjoy the colors of life. Her name is Andrea. She is a disabled person. She was born with brain damage due to an untimely c-section her disability has affected her cognitive, physical and emotional development. By embracing her persona, I would like to experience how a disabled person leads his or her life. I would come to know how it feels to seek assistance in performing each and every task. This is a very painstaking task to be dependent on others for each and everything. It is a difficult situation when you are in pain, sad or happy but you cannot utter even a single word from your mouth except for moaning or babbling. This situation in which you cannot do anything brings a cruel reality of life in front of us.

Another aspect that came to my notice when I decided to experience this life of a disabled person is that people with disabilities are denied the possibility of education or professional development, are excluded from the cultural and normal social relations, they are unnecessary admissions to institutions and have restricted access to public buildings and transportation due to their limitations related to their physical mobility. But, effort of Andrea to get education is a remarkable achievement. This shows that in life each and every task that we perform can be considered as an achievement. Each and every day, each and every effort and each and every endeavor that Andrea made in order to get education would be a milestone for her. After accomplishment of each milestone, she must have considered herself as a stronger person much more strengthened than a sane ...
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