A Decision To Come To College

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A Decision to Come to College

A Decision to Come to College

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Smith, 2005, p.104)

Above quotation is from Nelson Mandela, and this quote is very much related to my story behind the decision to go to college. On one Sunday I wake up by rising noises of some people who were constantly shouting. I wake-up and saw outside my window where the noise was coming from. When I saw the scene outside, I got shocked and horrified. I saw that a girl was badly bruised and was hysterically crying and shouting while others trying to sooth her. The way she was crying and how badly she was hurt, made me weeping too. Later on, I got to know that the girl was become the victim of child abuse by her step mother. I instantly feel sympathy for that girl and I wished that I could do something for such people.

Some days later, while I was with my friends, I told them about this horrific and tragic story. My friend told me that he personally saw a heartbreaking life of a child. That child was just a 7 year old boy, who was a sole caretaker of her mother and younger sister. There was no one else in her family. The family approached an NGO for help, but got no serious response from them. Seeing her mother and sister dying from hunger, that 7 year old boy decided to work and earn money. Despite the rules and regulations of “Child Labor”, many businesses still use child labor. That child was became the victim of many suffering during his work, and eventually he died in a workplace accident, living his mom and sister all alone in this world.

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