Decision Making

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Critical Thinking in the Decision Making

Critical Thinking in the Decision Making

Decisions, we make them several times a day. Some decisions are effective and valid, while others appear to be a shot in the dark. Some decisions leave us with scratching our heads thinking, where did which come from? Other decisions, while we may not like them, solid decisions based in logic are better. So what separates these two concepts? The differences between these decisions are found in the decision-making process and not the decision itself.

Valid decisions are made on a consistent basis, when a decision making model is identified and utilized. Identifying the decision-making steps, having a working understanding of the components of each step, and the effective order of those steps, will provide a clearer path toward a sound and valid outcome to any situation. In making an individual decision, we might use the 7-steps of decision making, as defined by Rick Robert's Decision-Making Model. Those steps include: Identify the decision; Know yourself, Identify the options; Gather information and data: Evaluate options, Select one of the options, and Design a course of action to implement the decision. To explain, in a practical way, I will demonstrate how each of these steps helped me arrive at my decision to return to college to obtain a business management degree to further my career development.

About a year ago, I was faced with a dilemma, remain as a special investigator, working in the field, or place myself in a position to move into management and reduce my required travel time. This decision required in-depth thinking to arrive at the best decision for my family and me.

I started first, by identifying the decision to be made. I could do nothing and remain where I was, or I could take action and move into management. Having at least two choices identified, I could now move to the second step. This step required me to analysis myself. This would be the "Know yourself" step. I needed to evaluate my current skills, along with the skill necessary to accomplish my promotion into management, identify by interest in both staying put, and in moving into management, assess my personality, could I lead a group of people, or am I better suited to follow a leader? In completing my skills analysis, I believed I had the complete skills necessary to remain where I was, but did need ...
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