Decision Making

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Decision Making

Decision Making


Decision making is the procedure of selecting and recognizing the finest option among diverse alternatives, which we have at our disposal, on the foundation of the values and choices of the decision maker. The chosen option should have the maximum possibility of success and should properly fits with the missions, goals and the objectives of the decision maker. Effective decision making examines the uncertainty and risks about alternatives and allows choosing the best available option. Collection of data is the most significant element in decision-making as it acts as the foundation of reducing risk and taking a final decision.

The analytical process to divide the resolution of problems in several steps used to instruct managers for more than thirty years. The first decision-making technique to be mastered is the ability to differentiate between direct decisions, regular, and even vital and more complex decisions that give good reason for the analysis required to reach a good result. Unswerving decisions, recurring, that should be delegated, if achievable, and customary procedures ought to be established to address them. In almost all the huge organizations, these measures must be in a written or recorded form, while, in groups of a smaller size, such measures can be transmitted verbally. These decisions are also known as programmable decisions, and in some situations can be digitally programmed into an information system, to make a suitable response. Emergency choices must be made swiftly, particularly if security is at stake. Typical situations, which need urgent decisions, can be examined in advance, while procedures established model for actions that are to be taken in future. In this paper, I will discuss the decisions I took as a Nurse Manager in a health care organization and its impact (Bertalanffy, von Ludwig, 2000, pp. 302-312).


Patient information is one of the most important assets for a Healthcare organization. It is the backbone for the treatment for the patients and if not handled properly it created severe issues. Our organization had been serving the same severe issue that data is managed manually hence it required more efficiency.

Patient Information has been collected and stored in hospitals for many years. Although, this information is used for the purpose of reporting, it is often viewed as a rich source for the administration and clinical management of patients. These data, when investigated provide the management of nurses with richness of information, which is effective in health care institution.

Data in large quantities is generated by me and other nursing staff at different levels of operation in a hospital. It includes the hours spent per patient and cost data associated to the services of nursing, in the administrative managerial data. While the credentials of direct patient care, are stored in the clinical data. These days, there is no margin for error in data recording and utilization, in the multifaceted health care systems. Throughout the nation, the nursing management provides careful monitor unit benchmarks, to make sure cost effective services that are of high quality and accessible ...
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