A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court

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A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is a literary work by American writer Mark Twain, which tells the story of a young American who achieved incredible circumstances to travel through time to renege on his luck. He believed to be a miserable, falling in medieval England; the young do not understand is happening. However, he slowly adapts, and begins to weaken their knowledge to create things that he considered necessary, and the population was young disparate. El is accused of treason and imprisoned, while the kingdom is attacked and the young American working in repelling the enemy. The King decides to reward him and the boy realizes that his life is valuable, and decides to look ahead with optimism. Twain shows beautifully in this novel how power make a strong influence on the people.


The story is about the "real Yankee "Hank Morgan, who - on the court - after a blow to the head of King Arthur finds. It alleges that 19 June of the 528th year, he is first imprisoned and sentenced to death. Because he knows that his execution day is the day of an eclipse, he passes himself off as a magician and simulates the invocation of the eclipse. Thus, it is representative sets of Arthur and factual authorities in England and to the title of Sir Boss. Equipped with modern knowledge, a practical attitude and little understanding of aristocracy, monarchy and the Church decides the protagonist, the medieval England for an enlightened, democratic and technologically advanced society to transform, he introduces as education, telegraphy, a newspaper and bicycles. To maintain his power, he gives more samples of his power as a magician by the use of firearms, explosives and fireworks (Fulton, 1).

During his reign, he makes two more trips to Britain, the first in armor with his future wife, Sandy, when he visited Morgan le Fay in her castle, and dispels their torture chamber. The second incognito with King Arthur, where both enslaved and only be saved from the gallows at the last minute - of Arthur's knights on bicycles under the leadership of Sir Lancelot, who have been alerted by telegraph. Sir Boss at the end makes a trip abroad. At the time a civil war breaks out among the knights of Britain, dies at the Arthur. While Sir Boss proclaims the Republic, the Church is against him and finally wins due to the intervention of Merlin, put the Sir Boss in deep sleep. Hank Morgan watches on until centuries later, following which he shares his notes on Twain (Camfield, 665).

The novel portrays how the political powers influence other people, there are many instances in which this is dipited. In one such incident, in a sign of who seemed to be the master of ceremonies, six or eight of the prisoners rose, rose as one man, knelt on the ground and raising his hands toward the ladies' gallery, implored the grace to lead a words to the ...
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