A Ban On Smoking:

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A Ban on Smoking:

Regulating Smoking in Public Places


Question on the prevention or legalization of smoking, a, in part or in whole, presents a strong concern, not only in this country, but all over the world. laws or orders are issued from time to time to stop smoking completely. But the application of these laws is a major problem. To those responsible for implementing these laws, especially in countries where the proportion of smokers has increased dramatically, and people generally do not respect the law of the total population.

There have been many different views about smoking in public places. The people who smoke feel it's their right to smoke where and when they want. People who don't smoke feel like it violates their rights and is a danger to their health. Second hand smoke can cause a number of life threatening diseases: Heart diseases, Lung cancer and other serious illnesses, however studies indicate that there are many reasons that support the smoking ban in public places.

Throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, smoking tobacco was widely considered to be a display of status and sophistication (Update: Smoking Bans.). The result was an increased inclination towards smoking. “The popularity of cigarettes in the U.S. grew steadily over the next several decades, reaching its peak in the early 1960s. Smoking in public was largely unrestricted in the mid-20th century. It was not uncommon during that era to see people smoking in shopping malls, airplanes elevators, as well as restaurants and bars. ”(Update: Smoking Bans.) people who smoke hold this belief that its their personal right and an individual act that should not be put to the strict scrutiny it is subjected to these days.

However, revisiting the idea of ??freedom, we must stress that there is no freedom without respect for the other. If the act freely does not respect the freedom of others be not exist then the concept of freedom. In other words, id a person smokes in a public place, it leaves others exposed to the hazards of passive smoking. What the smoker does to himself may be his business, but what the smoker does to the non-smoker is quite a different matter. Many people who don't smoke say cigarette smoke smells bad, causes headaches and irritates them. The passive smoke issue was largely carried by small grassroots citizen groups. Group against Smoking Pollution (GASP) was one of the first to demand clean air free of second hand smoke.” (Encyclopedia of Smoking and Tobacco 270).

The issue of smoking in the family home, especially the presence of children may not be solved by law, but there must be some kind of mandatory awareness that effectively highlights the dangers faced by non-smokers, especially children, caused by smoking in the home or school or restaurant or bus or taxi or train or plane or other places, in addition to being exposed to smokers themselves.

The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations public health agency, has called for a worldwide ...
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