Ban On Smoking

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Ban on Smoking

Why they banned the smoking in public areas in UK

Thesis Statement

Tobacco is a high- income generator for the government. In the past years, the government has been collecting this revenue and using it to fuel other sectors in the economy. Therefore, government should lift the ban on smoking.

Smoking Ban

A smoking ban is an internal regulation or legislation on tobacco which prohibits its use in a place, because of its dangers to the health of non smokers, victims of passive smoking. These are most often public places. However, there are also bans smoking in private spaces, including private cars (Glassman 2000, 2608).

Tobacco manage association describes organizations in resistance to smoking or those working for the obligation of strict restrictions on the products of tobacco because of health risks connected with smoking and the possibility of habit that may result. This includes justification for the investigation concerning with the costs of public health affected by smoking and the risk caused by passive smoking.

Smokers have their right to smoke. It is their well being they are weakening and, in their view, it is no poorer than alcoholic beverage that is traded everywhere. However, I do not believe it is reasonable that nonsmoker have to be poisoned by the smokers because they have the right to stay healthy and to have the good pleasing environment. Not only that, but nonsmoker are forced to inhale left over smokes without the filter, which are excessively heavy in carbon monoxide. Non-smokers occasionally limit themselves from going locations because of heavy smoking. There are furthermore persons with more pressing procedures required, but often can not get it because of long wait list of smokers (Glassman 2007, 1693).

From the point of view of government, smoking should not be allowed in all crowded and congested places such as cinemas, public transports and discos. In this way, they can still make a profit from selling cigarettes and saving money from passive smoking diseases. From third world farmers' (who gather tobacco) point of view, smoking should be allowed from public places because they would have no other way to make money (Glassman 2007, 1693).

Nowadays, smoking is already biggest impulsive killer in some countries. One in four people who smoke die because of it and fifty people in one day die because of smoke-related diseases. According to an estimate, the tobacco will become biggest killer by 2030. By then, cigarettes will be killing 10 million people per year if the current trend continues and, seventy percent of them will be attributed by people in developing countries. In all, I think that smoking should not be allowed in public places because I can not understand why something that could save so many lives by changing the basic regulation is tolerated.

Negative effect of smoking

Tobacco has over 2,000 harmful chemicals. It has the very obvious connection to lung cancer. Smoking caused over 90% of all lung cancer and 60% of all types of ...
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