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Works of Art

Works of Art

Description of the Surrealism Period, Its Characteristics and Social Conditions

Surrealism is one of the most popular art forms. The fascination stems from the enigmatic and fanciful, which combines surrealistic art in general. The beginnings of surrealism lie in the creative atmosphere of the postwar period. The experience of the Second World War had brought a young generation of artists in deep doubt about the existing society and its values. Art movements such as Dadaism arose, the traditional values presented entirely in question. The vanguard was open to revolutionary intellectual movements, such as the Communist revolution in Russia and the theories of Sigmund Freud.

Surrealism was a major wave of human attempts to understand and express the world of reality. The artists did not depict anything specific, but try to express feelings and emotions that gripped them at some point, through a combination of individual bits of the words are inconsistent in the literature, smears of the fine arts. The world outside of reason and logic, a world of madness has become the main source of creativity of the period.

Surrealism was a cultural movement which started during 1920's by Andre Breton. At the early stages, this movement was only inside Europe with Paris as its centre. The word surrealism refers to as works of the subconscious. This movement is famous for the writings and the visual artworks of its members and according to Andre this movement revolutionized the world of art. It begun as a result of Dada activities (activities included in Dadaism, a cultural movement which begun in Zurich during the World War I). Within a short span of time, this movement spread across the world and started affecting a wide range of domains including literature, music, visual arts and film of many countries and their languages, along with the political and philosophical thought and practice.

A few famous surrealist artists include Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Giorgio de Chirico (John, 1999). Surrealism emerged as a literary trend, but soon acquired the status of artistic phenomenon in contemporary art world in general. Its creators, young artists, poets saw surrealism as a way of understanding the unconscious and inexplicable, even the supernatural in the real world. The founder and ideologist of this line was Andre Breton.

Description of the Romanticism Period, Its Characteristics and Social Conditions

Romanticism exalted individualism, subjectivism, Irrationalism, fantasy, strong sentiments and environment - strong feeling over cause and senses over intellect. Because they had rebelled contrary to orders, which represent reactivation of unique and endless variations of styles (anything that makes them aroused.)

The development of Romanticism in painting took place in a sharp controversy with the adherents of classicism. Romantics reproached his predecessors in the "cold prudence," and no "movement of life." In 20-30s work of many artists of different pathos, jitters, there has been in their attraction to the exotic motifs and play of the imagination that can take away from the "dull everyday life." The fight against frozen classicist norms lasted a long time, almost ...
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