Work-Based Learning

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Work-based learning

Work-based learning

The aim of case studies

The aim of this work is to enhance the observational abilities of the writer, to improve and demonstrate the ability to criticise own self, and to demonstrate self-awareness. All of the information used is based on own observations of work-based learning and teaching experiences in a variety of beauty therapy classes.


The objective was to understand the observational practices in the work-based learning of beauty therapy classes. The process involved both, the tutor and students and also the therapists and clients as example.


The task was to carry out six weeks of observations in order to help the author to develop a concrete self-critique, problem-solving skills and knowledge of critical evaluation. The plan at the beginning consisted from one part, but the lecturer did not believe that carrying out observations over in two days during skills week was an appropriate method of observation, and so the witter observed two more part-time evening classes for mature students at the college.


In this paper, we are here to demonstrate the experience of observational learning. Any personal effort to try in the direction of further development of observation skills will address the different types and aspects of this capability in an integrated manner - covering all dimensions - and after a certain level of self-knowledge.

Observation can be classified into:

Passive: see what drives us. The name of our spoken clearly. Just look at what different.

Reactive: we observe the known. The observation of the specialist (known for tending to the blinkers). Only deal with experiences similar to those we know in advance.

Active: note the observation. Educated observation. The systematic observation, lucid and intelligent, we can achieve.

Different dimensions of observation

The practical and ethical dimension. Practical and ethical dimension was to capture the best options or alternatives for action. In general, individuals competed (in any area) refined and developed this ability to detect movements, changes and results. Experience, intelligence, common sense and strategies could not take advantage if we perceived what the most satisfactory alternative action is.

The new dimension and the aesthetic dimension. It is the intent applied to capture from different perspectives and with more nuances. If we are able to observe from most perspectives is not so difficult to produce new ideas. If we know how and timulars observation is possible to achieve the most original combinations and a more attractive or acceptable aesthetics.

The reflective dimension and the dimension methodical. It is the intent applied to capture the best reasons, reasons and justifications for the alternatives available, possible and adopted.

Literature review

Tuesday 25/01/11 Case study 1

This case study focuses on the development of managerial skills in the beauty therapy session. Teacher was giving students the guidance of how to give good therapies to clients with in terms of creating good relationships with them. This course focused on learning the techniques of hair and beauty treatments in accordance with commercial standards, and on the proper use of equipment and materials ...
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