Work Life/Home Life Balance

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Work Life/Home Life Balance

Work Life/Home Life Balance

IT has made our life easy and flexible. Employees are free doing their work smooth and according to their time availability. The work life has become flexible and employees can do their work more comfortably than ever. This intervention of technology has intruded into the personal life of the employees. The employees have started to utilize the time of employees at home. Employers are misusing the technology and over burdening the employees and sending their work at home. It has been observed in the organizations that deadline orders and urgent orders are sent to home by the employers and forced to do so. The paper explains the example of Microsoft and Work Life Balance.

The flexible working schedule is a plan that allows employees to set their working hours around a central hourly basis. It's called flexible schedule because workers flexibly determine the time of entry and exit. In simple words, flexibility means a better distribution of working time rather than shorter hours. This working schedule has resulted in higher level of employee satisfaction, increased productivity, and better working environment in addition to proper management of working time. Employees are authorized to manage their job schedules, hence reducing absenteeism. This phenomenon has proved to extremely useful especially in case of working mothers, who find it difficult to manage their job along with their family life. Whereas, this timing has shifted to home working also, flexible working hours refers to an option offered by the organization to the employees in which they select their own working hours, usually within the approximate boundaries of the time period determined by the employer (Paludi, Neidermeyer, 2007).

Microsoft aims to facilitate the reconciliation of the employees work duties and private lives. To this end, the company has created a program that is a way of managing work and support activities Work-Life Balance. The program aims to define actions that will allow employees with children reconcile their professional life and private life. Solutions to help set up actions are aware of the diversity and breadth of facilities that can be used to give a sense of confidence and security. Microsoft supports the use of rights related to parenthood as defined in applicable regulations, and additionally offers the additional folder privileges. We help women balance their professional role of the family, that being a mother. Pregnant women are doing well and actively participate in working life. Many women in the company receives various prizes, awards, promotions such as maternity leave that is not at all taken into consideration when making such decisions. They are only valid on substantive grounds and track record. The company remains in constant contact (phone, email) with their mothers during maternity leave, making it easier for them to return to work after this period (Jones, Burke, 2006).

The posts at Microsoft are task forces, which would make working hours of employees and allows evaluation of the effects of their actions purely technical and consulting services. In this organization, both women and ...
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