Women In Engineering

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Research Paper on Women in Engineering

[Writer's Institution]


In this paper we tried to find out the links between engineering and women. How women came into this field. To find out the famous and influential women throughout the history who took engineering as a career. Their remarkable performances, achievements and contributions to the field of engineering. The main focus of the study is to find out how the initial women paved way for women into engineering using their management and leadership skills to influence others. Finally the study describes that, what was the result of all the efforts made by these influential women. How young girls and children of high school and preschool age can develop interest in engineering

Table of Contents




Women and Engineering4

Famous Women Engineers5

Ellen Swallow Richards6

Barbara Johnson6

Stephanie Kwolek7

Lise Meitner7

Emily Roebling8

Barbara McClintock8

Lillian Gilbreth8

Elizabeth MacGill9

Katherine Stinson9

Grace Murray Hopper10

Influential Women Engineers10

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)11

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)11

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)12

Women Engineering promoted13




Women in Engineering


Women have always participated in the institutions of the society throughout the history. Even in times of wars or crisis women have had some contribution. Yet, women have not been thought of as doing actual work. As we all know that our society is still considered being a male dominant society, who forced women out of the public work arena as they believed their position of power was threatened. Hence women in our society were given employment that was unskilled, low status, poorly paid, seasonal and irregular. This was highly de-motivating for the women gender. Yet, women managed to prove their skills and capabilities of being able to work and contribute to the society as much as men do. After 1870, the women participation in the industrial force kept increasing. As the west's Industrial Revolution changed the situation of women in many ways. Women have always contributed for their country at times of war.

“The huge demand for weapons meant that industry was vital, and as more and more men were called up to the front lines, women took their place. Women had always worked but mainly in the textile industry and in agriculture. Woman working in engineering and arms manufacturing and, to some extent, in transport was a new development” (Wells, 2011).

Women began to work out of economic necessity, women of lower economic status, married or single, working outside the home. Women's wages tend to be lower. In addition, working women had and still have to perform the household chores on a par with their duties (Smith, 2003).

All of this changed in early 1970's after the enactment of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This law ensured that there was no gender discrimination in any educational programs that were receiving funds from the federal government. Yet even after 30 years from this law came into force women were still less than 20% of engineering students and 12% of the engineering faculty.

(Hatmaker, 2008)

The field of engineering itself changed a lot as in early 19th century engineers were confined to building and designing ...
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