Why We Should Decriminalize Drug

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Why we should Decriminalize Drug

Why we should Decriminalize Drug


Drug abuse, drug addiction, substance addition, substance, and many other names with abuse or addictions at their have been coined for the practice of using drugs. The American Government is trying its hardest to stamp out the issue of abuse of drugs from amongst its' citizens, even till now, but is not meeting with very fruitful results. Instead, majority of the populace has started petitioning to abolish the drug abolishment policy itself.

Indeed majority of the existing populace is in favor of legalizing drugs, use such as heroin or marijuana because of various reasons that will be mentioned below.


Drug abuse is a subject which has gained a lot of popularity over the past years. People have been vociferously opposing the use of drugs because of the adverse toll it takes on the society and the community as a whole. Past trends and observations have shown the people who get involved with drug abuse, often become liability to the society and turn towards a life of crime for the further facilitation of their drug needs. This is the argument or the scenario, which is presented by the abolishers of the drug (Thirteen.org, 2012).

However, there is another side of the argument which they conveniently choose to ignore. It is still a fact that punishing people for using drugs is an ineffective or rather incorrect way of the pursuing the subject.

All individual's reserve the right to lead their lives as they see fit.

In accordance with this statement, is the American Constitutions' famous Article 14. It protects the rights and freedom of all American, guaranteeing their independence. When people are allowed to use alcohol and cigarettes on their discretion, in spite of the numerous side effects which have been proven and documented, the ...
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