Why People Move From One Place To Another

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Why people move from one place to another

Why people move from one place to another


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant information relating to the analysis of people who move from one country to another. Such shift in places by people is often referred to as immigration. Immigration is manifestation of the phenomenon of migration, i.e. transfer of an individual, a family, or a group in a new location outside the community of origin for long-period. Long period, in this context, gives account of the fact that many migrants after they moved, can still move, while others, after their departure, are unable to adapt and settle down and return home. Migration has both internal and external components. When migrants move from one country to another, they become part of the vital statistics of the countries of departure and arrival (Thompson, 2006). In this study, we will investigate why people choose to move from one place to another.

Discussion & Analysis

The concept of migration refers to the change of residence either permanently or for a certain period. Migratory movement is divided into: emigration, leave the current place of residence in order to move to the new place, and immigration, the arrival of the new location after leaving the old place of residence. Migration is accompanied to mankind since the dawn of time and is often one of the most important factors affecting the population of the area. Migrations are usually caused by (McGonagle, 2002):

desire to improve the material welfare (economic migration),

displacements (migration policy)

armed conflict (refugees and asylum seekers)

natural disasters (such as droughts, floods)

Migration is usually divided into: internal (within the country) and external (between states). Taking into account the factor that causes the migration, they can also be divided into: voluntary and involuntary ...
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