Who is right: Mustapha Mond, John the Savage, or John de Graaf?
Who is right: Mustapha Mond, John the Savage, or John de Graaf?
THE 3 characters mentioned in the assignment have been taken from the novel Brave new world which is written by the famous author Aldous Huxley. "Brave New World" paints us a picture of a society in which freedom, to some extent even lower than that in "1984”.
The driver who is amongst one of the 10 governs of the world, speaks about Utopia. He further says that the society is based on a lot of principles. It is further mentioned that the teachers of that time were not interested in teaching history at all. This is because people were not interested in past facts and figures. They considered love as nothing. To live happily, they took a drug called Soma. Love did not matter much to them. The only thing they were ok with is sex.
If in bringing to the apotheosis of communism, the government controls every second of life, the human pressure capitalism Huxley powers that control the life before it started. Destiny - it is what is written on the tag that is attached to the bottle with your embryo. Vocation - that is what society needs most at the moment. Man does not decide whom he will; he does not understand that it somehow cheated. He's happy, he lives in pleasure, his life is easy, and its only choice is between the available entertainments for the evening. All problems can be measured in grams of the drug, which they can easily overwhelm. Weak-willed and do not have any rights of the people - that's true is reliable and support stable and prosperous society (Huxley, 1932).
Mustapha Mond
Mustapha Mond is one of the ten world controllers (world-controllers) Represents the Highest institution of the Company. It has a high government position and controls the entire area of Western Europe. It has a high Government position and controls the Entire area of Western Europe.Mond knows all the secrets of ancient civilization, those who are forbidden to the rest of the population. Know God, but also to Shakespeare, the greatest writers, historians, philosophers, scientists and politicians of the past, but to preserve the stability of society that has in its hands, can not reveal them.
Preserves the secret because he prefers a happy world, but lacks a feeling, the world prefers to avoid the suffering of the past. Mustafa Mond defines happiness: Mustafa Mond defines happiness. People are happy as they want, and do not ever want what they cannot have. People are happy as They Want, And Do Not Ever Want What They CAN NOT have. Are comfortable, they are safe, never sick, not afraid of death, living in blissful ignorance of passion and old age are not charged with mothers or fathers, they have no wives, or lovers that cause violent emotions; are arranged in such a way that, practically, cannot fail ...