Life is beautiful but various cruel incidents of life make our heart and our selves hopeless and dead. Some people cannot bear the pain of these misfortune events that life show to us and ultimately they want an escape from facing all this by choosing death for them. Some people commit suicide on their own while others seek guidance of a physician. The objective of this paper also revolves around the same phenomenon.
Living and dying are not opposing concepts, but both are integrated. The die can be considered as a process that is being fulfilled as we live, so I say that the concepts are integrated. Medicine has always tried to prolong the life of man, avoiding or moving away from the moment of death as possible, sometimes at any cost, through the development of resuscitation techniques and equipment capable of keeping patients alive artificially for an indefinite. In recent years have seen a change, no longer seeks only to prolong life, but it speaks of life, of human life, what intended is not only adding years to go, but quality of life to those years, for which take into account the different levels at which it develops a human, physical, psychological, moral, spiritual (Quill & Battin, 2004, 11).
It is necessary to consider what the goal, which will focus the professional, if it emphasizes the fight against the disease undoubtedly be more willing to try to keep the patient alive at all costs, if the otherwise that puts emphasis on the patient, that is if you consider that this disease develops in a human being, and that the battlefield in the fight is to be the man, woman or child who is his patient, probably its decision is very different (Orentlicher, 1996, 663-667).
General concepts about a dignified death and euthanasia
Good death: The death with all appropriate medical relief and possible human consolations. Example: at home, surrounded by people who attend emotionally significant and accompany the dying with love and care. Dignified death is much more than a particular style of death are a broad concept, a philosophy of death based on respect for the dignity of human beings to the time of his death. Then, in the category of death with dignity may include palliative care and any other kind of death that the subject judged as such. Dignified death is not a myth does not correspond to romantic and idealized scheme the perfect death, and includes several options that some other host can censor and according to their autonomy, religious beliefs and preferences.
Orthothanasia: Death is in good condition with the discomfort relieved.
Euthanasia: It is the act or omission by the physician with intent to cause death of the patient by compassion. Etymologically, the word euthanasia comes from the Greek “eu” good and “Tanasi” death, or could translate it as “good death”.
Passive Euthanasia: Death that occurs as a result of abstaining from using, or interruption of all artificial life support ...