Inspiration refers to the unconscious burst of creativity in the literary, musical or other artistic work. Literally the word means "breathed on" and it has its origins in both Hellenism and Judaism. The Greeks believed that the inspiration came from the music, as well as the gods Apollo and Dionysus. Similarly, in ancient religions, Norwegian, inspiration comes from the gods such as Odin. Inspiration as a divine thing in the poetics of Hebrew. In the book of Amos, the prophet said to be overwhelmed by the voice of God and is forced to speak. In Christianity, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
In addition, Random House Dictionary, the word inspire means "to pour animation, accelerate or elevate the influence of, or to communicate or suggest by a divine influence. This definition indicates, as applied to Scripture, that the stories and scriptures in the Bible did not come only from consciousness authors, from the divine source. This suggests that the authors were scribes, reproducing what is instilled in them by God. This idea is reinforced by looking at various examples from Scripture, which show that Scripture is inspired, not made. With the form of criticism known as literary criticism, we can analyze some of the installments of Scripture and use them to prove that Scripture, in fact, inspired, rather than collecting false statements.
In the 18 century, John Locke proposed a model of the human mind in which ideas associated or resonate with each other in mind. In the 19 th century, romantic poets such as Coleridge and Shelley believed that the inspiration came to the poet, because the poet was set to (divine or mystical) "wind" and because the soul of a poet was able to get such a vision. In the early 20 th century, Sigmund Freud, is the inspiration in the inner psyche of the artist. theories of Carl Gustav Jung inspiration suggests that the artist is someone who has been attuned to racial memory that are encoded archetypes of the human mind.
The Marxist theory of art sees it as an expression of tension between the economic base and superstructure of economic positions, or they do not know the dialogue of competing ideologies, or, as the exploitation of "crack" in the ideology of the ruling class. In modern psychology, inspiration does not often studied, but it is generally regarded as a completely internal process. ...