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Web-based Technologies: CORBA Web-based CAD

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Interfaces Definition Language (IDL)6

The CORBA Objects7

Application to CAD/CAM7

General survey8

Key Concepts of Technology8


CORBA Component Model (CCM)9


Major Issues with CORBA10

Procedural Problems10

Insufficient funds11






Web-based Technologies: CORBA Web-based CAD



“The Common Object Request Broker Architecture” commonly referred to as CORBA is a standardized synergy application under the Object Management Group. CORBA allows various software components composed in different computer languages and installed on different computers to work together. The major function of CORBA is that it supports multiple operations (OMG, 2012).

CORBA was an instant success; primarily due to its ability to link different pieces of software developed in a wide variety of languages and installed on different computers. By allowing these systems to work in synergy with each other, CORBA increases the efficiency of operations. CORBA tends to serve as a mechanism in computer programs which normalizes the “method-call semantics” between objects in the same host network or different (OMG, 2012). The first version of CORBA (Version 1.0) was released in late October 1991. The application became quite successful instantly in the industrial sector due to its varied usage (OMG, 2012).

CORBA's Relationship to CAD

The “Common Object Request Broker Architecture”, (CORBA) was developed to cater the needs of communication for applications working in heterogeneous environments i.e. which include multiple systems and languages. CORBA is a subset of the ODP-RM Project or Open Distributed Processing Reference Model. The ODP-RM aims to develop a standard for open distributed architectures. The Object Management Group established in 1989 and has more than 750 members. Its members include software vendors, developers and users. The parties are working with the ODP for the establishment of a standard middleware. CORBA was developed to cater the needs of communication in the industrial sector.

Many implementations of CORBA bus exist in today's modern world. Many of them are commercial. However, some free products are developed recently and some are used in the same way as commercial buses for the design of robust and reliable applications. MICO is a free implementation of very good quality but the standard CORBA 2.0 (GPL). The possibilities offered by this software easily compete with the big names in the retail version. More MICO compiles on a variety of platforms: Linux, DEC Alpha and even under Windows NT. However, even if it requires running Win95/98 and NT GNU Tools for compilation (Blakely, 1999).

CORBA is a model for the development of distributed object-oriented applications; it has become quite popular. It allows the platform and programming language-independent development of client-server applications. CORBA is a standard and does not forced developers to implement CORBA products. They have the choice of implementation. The popularity of the Internet then led the designers of the CORBA standard to define a communication protocol between objects adapted to the Internet. This protocol is called Internet Inter-ORB Protocol.

CORBA technology is designed to support the development and deployment of complex object-oriented application systems. CORBA could be regarded as a well developed mechanism in softwares which allows users to integrate isolated systems regardless of the language the programs are developed ...
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