In the arid lands of large areas of Tanzania and the world the availability of freshwater for human consumption, livestock and crop irrigation is the most limiting factor in achieving our objectives. We all know that water is essential for life, their presence and their characteristics allowed the evolution on this planet. Without water no life is our most precious resource and should be treated as such.
In Tanzania they are depending on agriculture for a long rain in the production of food and cash crops, in many parts of the country leading to low productivity of agricultural crops. Priority in terms of irrigation infrastructure by creating a protective and store water for people, livestock and irrigation. Also has emphasized develop small and medium projects, including organizing harvesting systems rain water and building dams to promote irrigation. (Bill Wandera,. 2000, P.23-27)
So water provision is very necessary in Tanzania to make effective use of the water present in the Tanzania.
Presentation of Options and Requirements
Rainwater Harvesting
It has recently become popular to collect rainwater. This water is good for flower beds and vegetable beds. Moreover, it is economical and practical. The collection of rain water will help you drive. On sale is a variety of models of actual colors. Installation of drain pipe you can easily make your own. Directly for water collection is a special valve drain. It is mounted in the drain pipe. It's adjustable; you yourself decide when and how much water you need. For the water distributor, you can select any diameter valve is suitable for you: 105, 90, 75 and 53 cm (Ludwig, 2006, P.97-101)
Everything is easy and simple: drain and a barrel connected to each other hose. As soon as the water level in the barrel reaches the maximum level, the rainwater back into gutters and drains into the sewer. Barrel is not full! And this valve can be set at any time. (Lancaster, 2006, P.102-110)
Visual images to install such a valve can make in its simplicity and effectiveness.
Sand Dam
As a rule, on the ponds for breeding carp make earthen dam. The dam is used to partition off the river bed, beams, ravine or fencing of the floodplain area. Due to partition off get different reservoirs. To create a head of fish ponds, and ponds feeding dams partition off small rivers, gullies, ravines, gullies in places the most narrow and at the same time most suitable for construction. (Aerts, J. 2007, P.572-580)
The largest and most costly construction management for pond fish breeding is a dam that is installed for the main pond.
Build a dam to create fish ponds need on the site, which has a waterproof bottom. If the soil such as sand or chalk, water tight, it is not suitable for a reservoir because the water in it will not hold. You also need to exclude the presence of the ...