The importance of water is a universal fact as it is a vital land resource to every region in this world. The crisis of water has created a situation of water shortage in many regions and Denver, Colorado is also one of them where increasing population has raised challenges in relation to water supply and demand. This paper aims to understand the concept of water as land resource, its scarcity, availability and quality in relation to population growth.
Table of Contents
Denver Region and Water5
Water Scarcity and Growing Population in Denver6
Actions and Responsibilities8
Storage of Ground Water8
Forest & Water Balanced9
Transportation of Water9
Water Scarcity and Growing Population in Denver
Water is recognized as a vital resource to any land and people living there as it fulfills their requirement in various ways (AWWA, 1996). However, it is also a fact that shortage of water not only in the United States but also throughout the world has indicated for the emergence of water crisis at a global scale. It would not be wrong to say that shortage of water is affecting both the developing and developed countries like United States (Rowan & Morea, 2010). It can be seen that water is available to every state in the country but despite of this huge water supplies to the states, Denver region of Colorado acing an increasing shortage in relation to its growing population. Studies show that consumption of water by Colorado residents is not more than 7.3 gallon per day (CWCB, 2009). This means, residents of Denver do not receive water supply like their country fellows in other states just because of the considerable water crisis in the region.
Similarly, the demand of water has been significantly increased in the region and scale of water demand also affected the hydrologic cycle that plays an important role to administer the supply of fresh water in the Denver region. There is no doubt about the fact that growth in Denver's population has brought impacts not only on water but on other land resources and overall environment including the land, climate, forests, animals, air and residents (USCHR, 2010). It is also important to discuss that role of green house effects cannot be avoided in this regard as it also contributes in the scarcity of resources in any region. In addition, there are various earth properties and the amount of energy that directly comes from the sun also affects the environment (Rowan & Morea, 2010). In fact, these can be seen as major factors that bring warming effects to this earth and affect the warming level of this planet. This plays a vital role in lowering the level of lakes and rivers in arid areas of Colorado. This paper aims to understand the scarcity of water, its quality, and availability in relation to growing population of the Denver region in Colorado.
Denver Region and Water
In current geographical and ecological situation, water can be seen as a most scarce resource in the Denver ...