Water Filtration

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Water Filtration

Water Filtration


For understanding the functioning and reputation of branding that may occur within the market there are several parameters that require discussion. This study shall focus upon the ebbs and flows of maintaining an original, yet relevant and impact strategy that could help improves the current positioning of the brand label in the minds of the customer and as a result, helps improving the reputation of the brand at the present stage of penetration (Aaker, 2003).

Major Players

Nestle SA

Coca-Cola Co

PepsiCo Inc

Main Activities

Filling and capping water bottles

Labeling bottles

Producing ice

Promoting bottled water brandsMajor products and services in this industry

Bulk bottled water



Single-serve bottles of sparkling water

Single-serve bottles of still water

The main purpose of devising the best strategy is “to keep the competition from adversely affecting your tactics”. These elements include the following:

Minds hate confusion, so confusing concepts should be avoided and simple messages should be embraced;

Minds are insecure and concerned with perceived risk, in that people tend to buy emotionally and not rationally;

Minds don't change, and thus it is more effective to draw prospects in with what they already know or buy than try to change preexisting attitudes;

Minds can lose focus, so poorly chosen line extensions of a brand name should be avoided because they will blur the focus of a strong and established position in the mind of the prospect;

Minds are limited, in that they can only hold so much information and they only accept new information that matches its current state.

This final statement effectively takes into consideration the number of commercial messages that people constantly encounter (Blankson & Kalafatis, 2004).

It is also common to distinguish brands according to their positioning and current market influence in the minds of current and potential customers. Positioning a brand means emphasizing the distinctive characteristics that make it difficult from its competitors and appealing to the globe. It results from an analytical process based on the following four questions. These could be explained with a graphical representation below:

A brand is for what?

This refers to the brand promise and consumer benefit aspect: Orangina has real orange pulp, The Body Shop is environment-friendly, Twix gets rid of hunger, and Volkswagen is reliable;

A brand is for whom?

This regards the consideration for the target aspect. For a long time, Schweppes was the drink of the refined; Snapple the soft drink for adults, Tango or Yoohoo was the drink for teenagers;

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