51 or 22 % of Christians agreed to the question while 84 or 36.2 % disagreed. 25 knew nothing about it while 7 or 3 % answered as “Other comments”. Muslims also disagreed, which were 2 in number. 1 did not know anything about the question. People following other religion were 61 in number of which 34 or 14.7 % disagreed, 18 or 7.8 % agreed, 2 gave other comments while 7 or 3 % did know anything about it.28
Our present study aims to analyses a heated debate that is frequently addressed in studies and political discussion, the War on Islam and its perception in the minds of the American. Post 9/11, terrorism and Islam are two buzz words that generate much debate. In fact this sudden shift of the world's attention towards the religion and its followers has formed the base for all the capricious shifts in world politics. This perceived threat from Islam and the potential harm its followers could case formed the base for the attacks waged in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to forget the armed operations carried out in many Muslim countries. This chapter discusses the perceptions of the District of Columbia residents on Islam and war. War is the conflict between political entities (states, tribes, political groups, etc.) that occurs in the form of military (combat) operations between their armed forces. As a rule, the war aims to impose an opponent of his will. On the wording of Clausewitz, "war is the continuation of politics by other means." Primary means of achieving the goals of war is an organized armed struggle as the principal and decisive means, as well as economic, diplomatic, ideological, educational, and other means of struggle. In this sense, the war - it is organized, armed violence, which aims to achieve political goals. Total war - is armed violence, carried to an extreme. The main means of warfare is an army.
Unfortunately, the first real memorable experience District of Columbia residents have is September 11, 2001. On that day, terrorists crashed a plane full of people into the Pentagon. The perpetrators used the name of Allah (SWT) and the Islamic religion while carrying out this hateful act. The attack and the United States' involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the “War on Terror” have increased the amount of exposure to Islamic nations and Islam itself. Some historians say that Islam started with the very first man “Adam”; however, today, Islam is second in membership to Christianity. Islam has been observed as the fastest growing religion in the world. It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people are Muslim. There is an estimated two to ten million Muslims in the United States (insert reference). There are many variations of Islam all over the world. American Muslims are a very diverse group.
There are many misconceptions about Islam. Some believe that Muslims are anti-Christian and do ...