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This paper will focus on the study of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIC) service and would try to bring forward the different factors associated with it. This paper will attempt to address the benefits and the limitations to the implementation of a Voice over Internet Provider (VoIP) telephony communication system. The advantages include a new versatility never known to the traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and a cost savings due to the efficient nature of packet-switched telephony. VoIP applications can satisfy many features of the PSTN system such as voice and fax, but can also expand communication into new areas for business telephony. Voice over Instant Messenger to expand the IM medium and Push-to-talk for lower bandwidth calls where quality is not a priority. Perhaps the most beneficial application for business applications will be in conferencing. The redundant nature of VoIP calling will allow voice message information to be encoded and then copied to every recipient while keeping bandwidth requirements on the network low. With the business case set, the technical due diligence completed, and a growing chorus of institutional advocates, the senior administration approved the VoIP implementation for the organization. Our organization began to expand its VoIP system campus-wide. Our organization will complete the conversion itself by promoting two IT staff members to handle the actual implementation. Top management support seems extremely important for further VoIP diffusion in United States. This is a universal factor that applies in all cultures and every company but this has a specific meaning in for large public companies. All the large companies are "normally" state-owned or government controlled companies. As a result key personnel assignments were made by the central government with a three to five years term of appointment. For these top executives, any major decisions must be politically correct and they often observe policies and guidelines stemming directly from government departments. As a company we also need to acquire first hand experience with the innovation and test the compatibility of current and pre-existing systems with future applications (Stalk, George, et al, 2000). If the new system it is indeed superior and meets the customer's expectations, it is easier to get top management's support.


Overview of VoIP

What is VoIP (Introduction)

This paper will attempt to address the benefits and the limitations to the implementation of a Voice over Internet Provider (VoIP) telephony communication system. The advantages include a new versatility never known to the traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and a cost savings due to the efficient nature of packet-switched telephony. VoIP applications can satisfy many features of the PSTN system such as voice and fax, but can also expand communication into new areas for business telephony. Voice over Instant Messenger to expand the IM medium and Push-to-talk for lower bandwidth calls where quality is not a priority. Perhaps the most beneficial application for business applications will be in conferencing. The redundant nature of VoIP calling will allow voice message information to be encoded and then copied to every recipient while keeping bandwidth ...
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