Envisioning a positive future is a far more difficult assignment than describing existing problems or issues. The goal of a Future Vision is to generate vivid descriptions of what the organization would ideally look like at a specified future date. In doing so, an organization looks not only at its areas for improvement but at its current strengths. From an organizational development perspective, the journey to a cutting-edge organization begins with a clearly stated purpose, vision and mission. A clearly stated purpose communicates why the organization exists. A clearly stated vision communicates what the organization is going to accomplish. A clearly stated vision also facilitates in the development of staff to function in a synchronized method while executing strategic and tactical initiatives with precision. It creates the ability for a team to form and re-form itself into various configurations to meet the evolving needs and demands of an emerging or developing organization. A clearly stated mission facilitates clear communication about the mission critical components and winning-edge indices that create integrated, rapid movement towards the stated strategic initiatives, tactical plans, goals and objectives. (Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J. & Osborn, 2003)
One thing I believe we can all say about the source of vision is that it comes from inspiration. The inspiration of vision is given to a person, but it is for a people. In an organizational and operational growth and development environment vision must be crystallized and communicated to the organization. This is what I call, "The sound of vision." The release of the sound of vision identifies your distinction. Your distinction creates an umbrella effect. The umbrella effect produces a common perception. The common perception enables the linking of vision. A vision should also be verifiable. In other words, you ought to be able to tell whether it has been achieved. It would be hard to say, for example, when a company became "world class" or "the benchmark." A verifiable vision is one that ten people could agree has or has not been achieved. A vision is also not something that should stay the same forever. Once one vision has been achieved, a new one needs to be written to encourage the organization to continually improve. The time frame for a vision is generally three to five years, as it is hard for many organizations to visualize beyond that. (Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J. & Osborn, 2003)
Future trends
The vision should also be focused on one or two aspects of company performance that are important for future success. Certain things such as growth, profits, safety, and so forth should not all be addressed in the vision or it becomes too cloudy.
Most companies deal with trends that identify and engage positive organizational behavior they also encourage teams and individuals to accept risks with each other for the well being of the business. If the core issues are not addressed properly it could affect the performances of the individual, team, and ...