A comprehensive plan, sometimes called a master plan, provides a broad vision for the future growth of an organization. It is often formulated using the guidelines from previous organization visioning exercises and strategic plans. A comprehensive plan is the next level of detail in the planning process from the basic organization visioning steps. Typical elements of a comprehensive plan include projections of population growth and correlated plans for transportation, utilities, and organization facilities to accommodate or direct that growth. The comprehensive plan is typically implemented through zoning codes and subdivision regulations.
It serves as a guide for officials when reviewing development permits and applications to rezone individual sites. In communities where zoning is not present, the comprehensive plan serves as a blueprint that guides public actions about infrastructure or other organization investments. According to the Indiana Code, the purpose of a comprehensive plan includes the “promotion of public health, safety, morals, convenience, order, or the general welfare and for the sake of efficiency and economy in the process of development” [Indiana Code 36-7-4-501].
A comprehensive plan is required to include the following elements:
1. A statement of objectives for future development;
2. Statement of policy for land use development; and
3. Statement of policy for the development of public ways, public places, public lands, public structures, and public utilities.
Comprehensive Plans may also include a number of optional elements listed in IC 36-7-4-503. While the Indiana Code requires only the most basic elements, comprehensive plans typically contain a number of additional elements, including analyses of existing demographic, economic and land use trends; goals, objectives, action steps, and policies; and a future land use map.
More detailed comprehensive plans may include chapters that address housing, economic development, natural or cultural resources, open space and ...