Vision Of An Organisation

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How Well the Leaders Communicate the Vision of an Organisation

How Well the Leaders Communicate the Vision of an Organisation


The study of leadership has been an ongoing process for many, many years and has been broadly defined as a process of social influence. Leadership, unlike management, is not dependent on position, title or privilege; instead it is an observable, understandable, and learning setup of skills that can be mastered by anyone that is willing to take the time and put forth the effort to learn them (Barnett, 2003, 55-74). It has been suggested by respective authors that few terms inspire less agreement than the definition of leadership. If you believe that leadership is a dynamic process of interaction among and between people, then a clear definition may not be possible. Barnett suggested in 2003 there may be as much definition as there are authors on the subject. Rhoades also remarked on the various definitions, "The differences are not just a case of scholarly nitpicking. They reflect deep disagreement about identification of leaders and leadership processes" (Rhoades, 2001, 42-51). However, any discussion of leadership demands a definition be put forth as a part of the exercise. Therefore, the following definition is put forth as a part of our discussion:

The capability to create a vision and communicate that vision to others to share in making that vision a reality.

Leadership is dynamic

Leadership is not a function of level or position

Furthermore, leaders have certain fundamental beliefs and attributes:

Leaders believe that honest and ethical behaviour is foundational values of true leadership.

Leaders use holistic thinking, communication, and accountability as the fundamental attributes of leadership.

Leadership is the ability to influence others by setting and inspiring example. The example is one that motivates people to pursue goals that benefit the organisation. Typically, leadership involves creating a vision of the organisational future, devising a strategy for achieving that vision, and communicating that vision to all members of the organisation (Leithwoood, 2000, pp. 112-129).

When the vision is communicated, the leader must ensure the vision is clear so that everyone within the organisation understands it. Global leadership also entails providing an atmosphere that will encourage and stimulate people to surmount obstacles. Debate has been raging in the popular management literature concerning whether leading and managing are different behaviours. They are different behaviours. One of the major differences between leaders and managers is the ability to influence change. Managers maintain the direction and oversee processes. Managers create stability. Leaders create change and set the direction. A leader can take people and an organisation in a new direction with their leadership abilities. Organisational members are looking to the leadership to communicate, collaborate, and to set the course for the organisation. Leaders use their collaboration and communication skills, and abilities to gain the trust of people and through their actions, he or she gains influence. It is the ability to influence others that gives a leader his or her power. It is the leader that creates the vision and uses their influence ...
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