Us Intelligence Community Reform

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US Intelligence Community Reform

US Intelligence Community Reform


US Intelligence

The beginning of intelligence in the U. S dates back to the Revolutionary War and America's first president, George Washington. President Washington requested that Congress set aside a 'secret service fund' for clandestine and secret activities. After leading the Continental Army during the war, he knew how important it was to have secret agencies analyse and protect the new country. The use of secret agents, counterintelligence, and the clandestine paramilitary, have been used extensively to set up elaborate deceptions, gather sensitive information, and coordinate operations to cause sabotage towards other adversaries or countries that wished to cause us harm throughout the history of our country.

Purpose of the Report

I choose this topic because it suits me and I think that I know much about the U.S intelligence. The purpose of choosing this topic is to find some objects and some questions related to the U.S intelligence before and after the World War II and significance of strategic decisions made by the American Government.


Strategic theme

Before the creation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Intelligence Community led the Director of Central Intelligence, who also directed the Central Intelligence Agency. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 , at the United States and the subsequent report of "9/11 Commission" July 22, 2004 , identified the main reasons for the failure of intelligence, who questioned how well protected by national and domestic security interests of the United States from attacks by foreign terrorists . Intelligence community was reorganized.

19 June 2002 Representatives Dianne Feinstein, Jay Rockefeller and Bob Graham introduced a bill «S. 2645 "on the establishment of the post of Director of National Intelligence (DNI). After a long discussion on the scope of the DNR and its powers, the U.S. Congress adopted the “Law on the Intellect Restructuring and Extremism Deterrence Act "of 2004, which was approved by 336 votes to 75 in the House and 89 votes to 2 in the Senate. President George W. Bush signed the bill on December 17 2004. Among other things, the law defined the position of DNI, the order of appointment, and forbade him to act as Director of the CIA or any other head of the intelligence service. In addition, the law requires that the Director of the CIA reported to the DNR about the actions of the agency.

Some critics say that during the development of the bill went to the compromise that led to the DNR, whose powers are too weak to adequately maintain, manage and improve the U.S. Intelligence Community. In particular, the law prohibits interference in the affairs of DNR Ministry of Defence, National Security Agency, the National Military Space Intelligence and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. (Limited role in guiding DNR, discussed in a separate article of the Intelligence Ministry.)

17 February 2005 President George W. Bush has proposed for the post of U.S. Ambassador to DNR Iraq John Negroponte. Earlier it was reported that the first choice of President Bush fell to the ...
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