Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
In this paper I would analyze the universal adoption of human rights in a holistic approach. My aim would be to discuss the effectiveness of the persuasiveness of universal adoption of human rights, its background and its impact on the social life of United States. With the universal declaration of human rights issued by the UN 1948; become clear and evident the inherent rights of all human beings on Earth (Glendon, 2001). This valuable and unique instrument describes, notes, lists and notes the precepts of equality necessary and indispensable for peace and prosperity of the global society. The universal declaration of human rights was conceived when the world woke up and began to take into account the atrocities committed from 1939 to 1945, during World War II, at a cost of millions of lives (Glendon, 2001). After 50 years in a world moving rapidly toward globalization, human rights are being violated in most nations of the world, including the agreement ratifying nations.
The values, concepts and content of the Human Rights are generally ignored by society. This Bill is part of the study area a few educational institutions in the nations of this small planet Earth. Much of the population has no knowledge about their rights; however, an objective concept of how to enforce them or how to get the support of a structure that will ensure respect for and compliance with them. The concept of "Human Rights"; which is derived from "Rights of Man”, comes from within the United Nations Organization in 1948 (Glendon, 2001). However, these rights have been and remain key players in the drama of human history. The violation of these rights is the cause of most conflicts in the history of civilization. The fight for the rights of the people is as old as human history. Most religions of the world based in some way his teachings on the concept and practice of Human Rights.
Discussion and Analysis
In 1946, Humphrey became director of the Division of Human Rights United Nations and Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed U.S. representative to the Commission on Human Rights of the UN. Mr. Humphrey is an obscure Canadian law professor, while Mrs. Roosevelt was then the most famous woman in the world (Hunt, 2007). Mrs. Roosevelt, widow of the 32nd President of the United States and major stakeholders in progressive causes, was elected President of the Commission on Human Rights in early 1947 (Hunt, 2007).
She immediately asks Humphrey to consider the elaboration of a declaration of human rights in international scope. Humphrey and his small group of collaborators in New York then plunge into the study of all available sources around the world, compiling and what the UN like to call "the most comprehensive documentation ever assembled on the issue of human rights" (Hunt, 2007). This essential starting point is reached in June 1947. During the following year, assisted by Humphrey, ...