Declaration Of Human Rights

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Declaration of Human Rights

Declaration of Human Rights

On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights were made for every living human in this world to follow and obey. These rights originated after WW2 because they didn't want such an inhumanity to occur again. By the world agreeing to this declaration it is almost sure the lives of so many people weren't be lost again for an unnecessary reason. The main purpose of these rights is to enforce balanced rights of all people. Making sure that all humans have the right to freedom, justice and peace in this world. Not only to have these rights but to be able to enjoy the rights with out any fear.

These rights were a good idea for the whole world to follow. The world needs something to make sure that everyone is being treated fairly, and with respect. Even though the poorer countries are having problems to enforce some of these rights at least they are there. One day these rights shall be enforced more strongly on those countries, making their life easier for them.

These rights are a good way for all nations to develop a friendly relationship. By all the nations being friendly to each other, more respect is gained. These rights have also helped some countries lose hatred between each other. Which means it will be less problems for all. As well as that it could reduce the number of wars and maybe increase the number of world events.

When the white people first settled in Australia (long before these rights were formed), the new settlers showed very little respect or understanding to the way Aborigines were already living on the land. They treated and thought of them scavengers or as animals because of the way they lived. They didn't live in houses, but on the land only taking what was needed. So by them living their life differently the white settles saw them as threat.

The white people started making farms and houses on the land taking up the Aborigines land. The Aboriginal thought the farms that were set up for everyone to use and share for food and started taking some for themselves. The white people accused them of stealing and started killing them. Large massacres started occurring, where the ...
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