United Arab Emirates history 101, Sec 09 spring 2012

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United Arab Emirates

History 101, Sec 09

Spring 2012

United Arab Emirates


The civilization that has been chosen for the paper is United Arab Emirates which is located in Middle East. Furthermore, the paper also discusses the time period when it was active, and the historical highlights of its period of history, facts with regards to the leaders, cultural aspects and economy have also been discussed. Some current information of the region have also been provided, followed by a personal paragraph that explains the reason why the civilization has been chosen, my connection with it, and reason of interest.


Name and Location

United Arab Emirates is the civilization that has been chosen and it is located in the Middle East where many other civilizations besides this exist too.

Active Time period and Historical highlights

The history dates back to thousands of years, and evidences that have been provided by the archeologists tell us that the human settlement in UAE existed since 5000 BC. This is because pottery has been discovered in Ras al-Khaimah and the civilization that lived in the initial years in UAE were nomads and were cattle herders since they had good pasture grounds. Findings that have been made reveal that agriculture in UAE began with the cultivation of cereal as well as date palm and the region was associated with the Magan civilization until 2000 BC. After this, desertification of the region took place because of which cultivation ended. In the third century, UAE was under the influence of Sassanian Empire after which the Umayyads took over and then Islam was introduced in the region in the seventh century. However, the history of United Arab Emirates between the 7th and the 14th centuries is not documented properly. After them, the British took over, after which Al-Qawasim began to dominate the region in ...
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