This work deals with the relationship between advertising and ethics. Publicity in recent years has developed in a way advantageous, which has a profound impact people the world understand life and themselves, especially in relation to their values with no way of choice and behavior. Advertising has become one of the most important cultural events of the century. To break the reliance on the content of messages, advertisements produce noise that distorts and makes more failure of communication is why you see the need for self-regulation which will allow compliance with the standards and ethics of marketing communication that will allow us distinguish between ethical and unethical advertising.
The accuracy requirement of the communication itself does not mean that the information has to be always quite accurate. The accuracy requirement is inherent in communication research but also applies in the case of information containing data that can be accurately and relevant to the content of communication. But in many cases we usually allow some leeway regarding what the demand for truth, without ever leaving reach. For example, when we come we usually select the information we give of ourselves, as when we wrote a curriculum: it is okay to put false information but it would be absurd to include in it our shortcomings. We also seek to impress others, beautify our appearance, or trying to endure, for example by stressing our most unique features or better. Depending on the occasion and intention, a joke or an exaggeration will make our communication more enjoyable. Such resources are undoubtedly infinitely more sophisticated uses advertising to creating and disseminating their messages. Certainly these messages respond to interest in who pays the advertiser and is therefore right that we know to be able to properly assess its content, so that the identification requirement becomes critical in the commercial. This communication provided it is properly identified and subject to certain matters of form and content, is a form of communication as legitimate as any other.
However, we do not live in a perfect world. As regards the market, rather live in a world saturated with brands and products, where competition for survival is often hard. Sometimes the desire to gain easy or quick is too strong and causes little or no honest behavior. Advertising is an effective tool to disseminate commercial messages right, but also uses it to send messages rather less positive. The lack of ethics in the market becomes the lack of ethics in advertising: it is tempted to use in messages or imitation denigration of rivals false, exaggerated or misleading omission, the plain and simple lie, the images striking grabbing attention and cause a scandal. Advertising becomes in the hands of those who do not respect their rules as a source of aggressive messages, false and misleading unreasonably prejudice.
The most common way of communicating the truth about products and services is through advertising. Advertising can be defined as:
“the science of communication in which it is advertised or promoted to ...