Ulcerative Colitis

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Ulcerative Colitis


The paper discusses about the “Ulcerative colitis”. Ulcerative colitis treatment consists of customized nutrition (avoiding diet) and anti-inflammatory drugs, used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and surgery may be necessary for complications. Generally, Ulcerative Colitis (UC) affects the colon (large intestine). Crohn's Disease can be benefaction anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

Ulcerative Colitis


Ulcerative colitis (Cu, Eng. Ulcerative colitis) belongs to the group of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. It is characterized by an inflammatory infection of the rectum and colon characterized. Unlike Crohn's disease, the spread inflammation continuously starting from the rectum, ie, from anal to oral, and is on the gut lining (mucosa and sub mucosa) is limited.Frequency

Approximately 200 of 100,000 inhabitants suffer from ulcerative colitis, where there are three to seven cases per year less than 100,000 inhabitants. Women and men are equally affected. The typical age of onset is between 20 and 40 Of age. After the disease frequency (prevalence) in North America and Europe has increased over the decades, she begins to stagnate there. The analysis shows that in Asia, Africa and South America, where the disease was once rare, but a significant increase in new cases to report (Kruis, Pp1617-23).Evolution

Ulcerative colitis is progressing towards the rectum and colon by relapses (or attacks). The disease lasts a lifetime, unless you have surgery to remove the entire colon. The severity of the disease varies from one person to another, and many do not experience few symptoms and can live without constant treatment. Often the symptoms may disappear for months or even years, for inevitably reappear.


Ulcerative colitis usually appears between the 20th and 40 Years on. Their causes are not known; qualify a hereditary predisposition, dietary factors, a disturbed immune system, viruses or bacteria, and psychosomatic factors. The diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is by colonoscopy, x-ray, ultrasound and blood and stool tests. Ulcerative colitis treatment consists of customized nutrition (avoiding diet) and anti-inflammatory drugs, used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and surgery may be necessary for complications. The measures aim to reduce the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and reduce the risk of complications, not a complete cure is possible. The course of the bowel disease is not predictable in individual cases, the average life expectancy is not restricted. Since ulcerative colitis after the long-term course of the risk for colon cancer increases after 8-years of illness once a year, mirroring a good idea of the entire colon to detect the cancer early enough (Sands, 123-145).Diagnosis and Evaluation

Their typical age of onset is before the first 40 years, however, has come to establish the diagnosis in older people. The most typical manifestation is the presence of diarrhea with mucus output and often abundant blood in the stool. The color of blood is critical, the darker the condition may be interested in a larger tract colon. Besides the patient usually produces colicky abdominal pain, usually in the lower abdomen and flanks. Confirmation is established by an endoscopy lower gastrointestinal (proctoscopy or ...
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