Turnover And Burnout

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Turnover and Burnout


Human resource is one of the most essential and valuable department of an organization and it is even said that an organization is nothing without human resources. This implies on every company and all educational institutions. Recruiting talented people is always a critical stage for an organization and is also one of the key to success for a company. Companies and organization are working on maintain the employee retention rate by providing satisfactory working environment for its employees. A satisfactory working environment includes worker friendly, good salaries, involvement in decision making and recognition for good performance by employees. Job satisfaction is in regard to one's feelings or state-of-mind regarding the nature of their work. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, for example, pay practice, quality of one's relationship with their supervisor, quality of the physical environment in which they work whereby turnover refers to the rate at which organizations and companies losses and gains its employees. For example, if an employer is saying to have a high turnover, it means that employees of that company have a shorter tenure than those of other companies in that same industry. Job satisfaction and turnover basically relates by which job satisfaction has directly effect on the turnover (Maslach, 1988).

The main target of all organizations is to improve their productivity and, consequently, their performance and, thus, to become more competitive and gain a larger market share. HRM departments or managers of accounting organizations, despite the size of the company or the volume of activities, should be seriously concerned about their employees' needs and work towards establishing satisfactory working conditions to enhance satisfaction (Cappelli, 2000).



Companies are finding it difficult to retain its employees. Turnover is now becoming a vital issue in the current corporate environment. Turnover defines a rate of which employer's losses and gains its employees. Turnover has a direct impact on the company's financials. This is because; Turnover means more cost to the company's management. When a new person is hired because an existence employee has resigned, results in training cost to the new employee. The turnover of employees refers to the transfer of labor from one organization to the other. High levels of turn over results in a more cost, lower productivity level and low morale and gets worse if the turnover is not handled properly.

Turnover is being witnessed in almost every organization. Some degree of turnover can be desirable for an organization as it opens new opportunities of getting in new people who may bring positive change in the organization through their experience and hard work. There is also a big probability that the new employee will be bringing in more productivity then the previous employee who has left the organization. But, the serious problem still persist which relates to the cost of training the new employee about the job (Alvares, 1990).

Costs of Labor Turnover

Hiring a new employee is not easy task and especially if a company wants the best ...
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