Reason of Choosing the Text “Birds without Wings”2
Dissertation Rationale2
Research Methodology3
Chapter Two6
Overview of Literary Translation6
Definition of Literary Translation7
Criteria for Literary Translation8
Chapter Three10
Literature Review10
Skopos theory10
Implication of Skopos Theory in “Birds without wings”12
Criticism of Skopos theory13
Polysystem theory14
Polysystem approach15
Comparison of Polysystems and Skopos theory16
Linkage of Polysystem and Skopos theory16
Best translation procedures used for adequate translation16
Difficulties of literary translation18
Due to the wide range of translation aspects that could be unconventionally problematic at the lexical, structural, aesthetic and cultural levels; literary texts and its versatile criteria have been widely examined under the descriptive and prescriptive lens of the Translation Studies. The aim of the study is to determine how translation theories are being used in translation in relevance to the chosen text. For this reason, a translation of a literary genre from English into Arabic would be undertaken. “Birds without Wings” by Louis de Berniere` is the source text chosen for being such a remarkable and exotic work and a very good example of its genre. The reason why the text “Birds without Wings” is chosen is to provide information for various genres of literary because the results of this research will be applied to other literary genres. “Birds without Wings” is a story of a person whose military genius guided him towards the victory against the invading the opponent forces and also reshaping of the whole region. The study will also provide the best translation procedures used and the difficulties in literary translation. The dissertation will be divided into two parts: theoretical and analytical.
List of Abbreviations
ST: source-language text
TT: target-language text
TL: Target language
SL: Source language
Chapter One
Aim of the Study
Due to the wide range of translation aspects that could be unconventionally problematic at the lexical, structural, aesthetic and cultural levels; literary texts and its versatile criteria have been widely examined under the descriptive and prescriptive lens of the Translation Studies.
The study aim is to determine how translation theories are being used in translation in relevance to the chosen text. Other aims of the study are:
To determine the translation procedures which are considered as best to reproduce adequate translation
To determine difficulties associated with literary translation
Research Questions
The study is based on the question is: What are translation theories being used in translation in response to the chosen text? The other questions of the study are:
What are the translation procedures which are considered as best to reproduce adequate translation
What are the difficulties associated with literary translation?
Significance of the Study
The study will be helpful in determining the translational theories which are being used in translation and they would be helpful for the text Birds without wings by Louis de Berniers. The study is also important as it provides the description of various cultures and how translation procedures change. Examining the occurrence, translatability and effects of those translation problems in literary translation would allow in-depth understanding of certain linguistic and stylistic phenomena, and possibilities of their best systematic ...